I hate everything about this family. If they literally just disappeared the world would be better for it. *shrug*
I hate everything about this family. If they literally just disappeared the world would be better for it. *shrug*
I highkey hope that Bieber crashes his new toy and ceases to exist. *Shrug*
The 7th Heaven part was definitely not serious. Haha. I imagine most people from that show are probably fucked up.
The absolute ONLY reason children should not be vaccinated is if they have some sort of serious allergy or whatever to the vaccine, and if doing so would actually kill them.
This one really gets me. “Go back to where you came from” as the person that is saying it is unaware of the irony of what they’re saying, as their descendants are from elsewhere... this fucking world, i tell ya.
Someone much smarter than I needs to develop an app that can block ads on instagram somehow. Seriously, my feed is like 75% ads at this point, and nonstop shit of “influencers”. Let’s also be real - the only thing that “influencers” do, unless you’re a teen or like 21 years old, is piss you off and make you not want…
What a serious pile of shit. It’s stuff like this that makes me really despise the whole “youtube personality” type shit.
Handicapped? I feel like that’s a disservice to people that are handicapped to have him be a part of their community. They deserve better than this fuck.
I’m not a basketball fan, at all, but I would become a lifetime fan of any team that had a player actually knock drake out.
God i hate drake so much.
Didn’t have to wait long for a troll to show up. This is fucking gross.
It’s refreshing to see pro-gun people with this stance. And it’s far too rare. I love shooting guns. I think they’re a hoot. But, I’m also very, very anti-guns like this. There’s just no reason or need for the normal citizen to have them beyond the person feeling entitled.
This. So much this. He is the textbook definition of a tryhard.
I was not prepared for that video. That poor, poor woman. I hope every single one of those people involved, and every single person that stood by face punishment. This shit NEEDS to stop.
If it’s at work, or on a work VPN it could be that it’s blocked. My office blocked all google apps like gmail awhile back so none of us can get to it.
Let’s crowdfund to countersue that shit out of existence.
I, too, remember when that game was popular...like 15 years ago. This is one of the stupidest trends to come back from the dead lately.
Do I personally WANT to see them? Not particularly.
I think my only sticking point on this one is that I think decriminalization is a good first step, but only if it remains a crime to operate motor vehicles while under the influence (I haven’t followed this one at all, so I don’t know the details).