
Can’t tell you how many text messages I exchanged with friends seriously worrying about the health of a person I have never met and will likely never meet.

Jesus, man. This is harrowing. Like everyone else in the comments, I’m glad things didn’t go differently.

Counterpoint: there are some sweet golf simulators now.

I did some math.

“They didn’t believe in you! No one thought you would do it and you proved ALL the haters wrong. He’s too big. He’s too old. His time is up and he’ll never reach as high as he did earlier in his career. And yet, here you are, once again, lighting up the sky. Congrats, big man.”
-Tom Brady, every morning to the sun

So are we just going to repeat this stupid comment on every post now?

Jesus christ. I’m a white guy. Another white guy family member tried giving me the whole “democrats framed a good man” diatribe last week and I just shut that shit down immediately.

At a college football game last year, surrounded by mostly other white people, this chubby vanilla maga hat type sitting next to me

You’re right. I’m sure he did that Nike campaign gratis.
(And by the way, don’t worry: You don’t sound racist at all.)

You decide:

1) Yesterday was not a trial. It was a job interview for one of the most exclusive and prestigious jobs in America. The burden of proof is only and entirely on the applicant to demonstrate he’s the absolute best person for the job. “Innocent until proven guilty” doesn’t apply. You don’t know what the fuck you’re

Reality check:

Considering his biggest “controversy” was looking good in a tan suit

People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.

You say emaciated, I say predatory animal with large teeth and claws that will do anything to eat and survive.

In a restaurant full of people, he chose to publicly shame and threaten some people who spoke Spanish, and could have actually ruined their lives if he had followed through with calling ICE. And when this video came out, it became clear that he had done this type of stuff before. He isn’t a victim, and this sentiment

Counterpoint: Public shaming may be the tool most appropriate to change not only his behavior, but that of the next racist.

Exactly why he cut the straps remains unclear.

“for the sole purpose of hurting my family, my friends, and this organization with the intention of trying to damage my character and credibility”


I didn’t read the article: the poster