
I was thinking that same thing.

I say they have drones surveying with IR cameras.

Man, it’s just nice to have you back and healthy, Drew.

How in the world did they not remove the fans, instead of asking a player’s family to leave? This is beyond baffling.

What a dickbag. Good god.

That would actually be really interesting if it’s true. I mean, really, they should have to pay for that stuff. I may not agree with the current president, in the slightest, but if he paid for it on his own dime then I don’t really care. His money, he can buy a golf simulator. I mean, if I had that much expendable

This is the most trump story ever. hahahaha.

Hopefully it will do one of a couple things:

Out of curiosity, did we pay for these simulators, both Obama’s and Trump’s, with taxes? That shit isn’t cool, if so, for either president. If they paid for it with their money, then whatever. Have at it.

Eh. I honestly think the song is pretty fucking bad, regardless of if he stole it or not. Hate me all you want. May have a cool message and shit in the video, but that song comes on and it immediately gets changed.

If I could give you more than one star, I would.

Have to say that I already didn’t like Chris Pratt much, at all. Like him even less after this one.

That hillsong “church” is a joke. Obviously they care much more about being famous, touting their “cool” hipness and friendship with the fuckboi extraordinaire, BEEBS. Not to even mention that they go on fucking tours. It’s a CHURCH. They shouldn’t be going on a national tour for concerts.

I can’t even read this article because I can’t get past what that nozzle looks like. Dear god.

While I’m not a fan of his, I’m also not sure that it was necessary to point out that teams are hiring young “white” guys in the vein of this guy. You could have very easily just said young guys; I’m not sure that I buy into the narrative of teams only hiring coaches because they “look” like McVay. Seems a bit baity,

His demands do seem a bit unreasonable. I could agree on the clutch work, but the rest honestly does seem like he’s trying to use the bullshit tactic of using social media to blackmail people.

Honestly, enough with the Batman remakes unless they’re by Christopher Nolan with Christian Bale.

My only hope for the superbowl is that the Rams literally end Brady’s career. Donald hits him straight into retirement. Please. Just please.

Uh, falling asleep at the wheel for any reason is enough to rag on someone. That shit is dangerous, and he could have injured himself, or more importantly injured someone else. He deserves the ragging 100%.

Exactly what I was thinking. We’re in the situation we are currently because of the fucking independents that refused to drop out and then swung the vote towards Trump.