
Unless there’s actually a strong, real chance that the more liberal parties have a shot at winning, then yeah, I’m hoping that people take Comey’s advice. The segmented shit is what got us in this mess in the first place.

This whole story is so full of, “What the fuck?”s that I can’t even function.

I actually agree with you for the most part on this.

In other news, a religious white guy did something shitty.

And people still think that Nascar is cool when there are racing circuits like THIS. Holy crap.

Or, you know, they play video games. Should they really be paid more for playing video games?

What in the actual fuck. Where can we do a petition to get Winston punished farther than this? Seriously, he’s such a piece of shit and just keeps getting away with being a piece of shit.

Let this piece of shit just die please. All of this shitty administration can go down in a plane, and I’ll cheers to the earth for taking them out.

As much as I dislike Baker, this one made me like him a little more for how he handled that exchange.

He is the single biggest reason why I always root against Tampa and hope for their entire team to be destroyed in every single game. Jameis is a pure pile that isn’t even worthy to be called “shit”. Screw that guy. I hope their team suffers a drought like the Cubs did, except instead of winning a championship they all

Chris Hardwick is apparently a massive dickhead. Weird. Who could’ve guessed.

You know his history is either going to be the most vanilla stuff you can find, or it’s going to be the most fetishy, weird shit out there.

That man, Obama, sure can wear the shit out of a suit. A tan one, at that.

Remember when Barack was president and those of us that had intelligence weren’t ashamed of being American? Yeah, those were the days.

Came here to say this exact same thing. People should have stepped up and actually stopped him from doing this shit. Fuck assault charges. I would wager a judge would throw that case out.

Can’t wait for someone to come in here and say how this was overreacting, or that it wasn’t fair for her to lose her job, just like it wasn’t taking the high road when that piece of shit lawyer in New York was harassed after his racist shit.

I love this social justice shit so much, and absolutely love that she was

This is absolutely amazing. I don’t really eat Domino’s Pizza, nor Wendy’s, but it’s things like this and their social media accounts that make me fully support everything about them.

Walking away because someone has a drug problem and makes bad decisions for their life isn’t exactly the same thing here.

While I am able to see where you’re coming from, and the underlying sentiment, the way you present it is devoid of any shred of class.

Bourdain has been an idol of mine for as long as I can remember, and those headlines are just heartening and infuriating. Fuck you, Newsweek.