Dang, I really liked Matt on Top Gear. :(
Dang, I really liked Matt on Top Gear. :(
Agreed 100%. Why he is so loved is beyond me. His delivery is awful. He acts way too “hood” for someone that is from the upper middleclass in Canada and was on fucking Degrassi.
Exactly this. The city should honestly look at refunding at least a portion of that price to current drivers, and eliminate the need for it (or at least reduce the price drastically).
Not to mention that it’s also just a fucking song. Replace the anthem with a concert of some actual enjoyable music or something. Or Legends of the Hidden Temple.
Real question: does Trump even honestly know how to drive, or have a driver’s license? I could imagine quite easily that will all of his privilege that he’s never had to drive a day in his life.
I do understand what you’re saying, and you’re not wrong, but at the same time I don’t necessarily share your viewpoints completely.
If you actually quoted the rest of my statements you would have noticed that I don’t agree with captivity, either, but if you had to do something I’d advocate for that over killing them...preferably at some sort of sanctuary rather than a zoo. I in no way advocate zoos, for the record. I think they’re fucked up and…
I actually agree with you completely. Yes, the animal is dangerous and would probably attack again at some point, and if I knew the person that was killed my opinion may slightly differ, but I really don’t think it’s right to hunt and kill an animal for doing what is instinct for it, especially when we encroach on…
This, exactly. I understand the whole concept of taking the moral high ground like the person above said, but honestly, in cases like this if you’re going to behave like this guy did towards others then you have every bit of the “bullying”, if that’s what you are going to call this, coming to you.
She’s also mainly using it to become viral and get her 15 minutes. Agreed, she’s a prime example of who shouldn’t be allowed guns.
Your ticket should have the issuing officer’s information on it, if nothing else.
Home Depot sounds like it could actually be a little tiny bit BETTER than Menards, and that’s saying something.
I’ve had my leg/ankle ran over like this on pavement three times in my life now (don’t ask; teenage friends back then just starting driving were idiots) and never broke anything. You’d be surprised and how easily it just rolls over you.
Quill is the exact reason why I dislike Guardians. I hate the character. He’s literally the ONLY thing I truly dislike about that series, and his fuckup in Infinity War just adds to it.
Maybe I’m petty petty or something, but there’s zero part of me that feels any sort of sympathy for these boys and their family. They’re arrogant enough to think that they deserve to play, and their father is an absolute piece of human garbage.
to be fair, basically ALL of mopar’s interiors from that timeframe was absolutely, depressingly awful.
Your whole post here is so full of ridiculous, incorrect statements that I just HAVE to assume that you’re trolling.
Wasn’t expecting this article to have a video from the city I work in. Weird.
Good. This phrase should be banned from life.