
Well, this is the first time I’ve heard of this Lil Dicky guy, and I’ll be happy if I never hear or him or his music again. What happened to the great hip hop and rap of year’s ago. Shit sucks these days, and this guy is just another cog in the rap wheel made of shit.

I can’t wait for this stupid troll of a human to hopefully never have a solid job again after she loses this one. Fuck Sanders.


All anyone needs to do is go to Reddit and look for this guy’s name. There are a lot of rumors swirling about the shady shit he’s done. Not saying that it’s all true (it is the internet, after all), but a lot of these Hollywood rumors about abuse that are on Reddit end up coming to light and being true a year or two

I’m not sure about elsewhere, but I’m in the midwest (Minneapolis) and the majority of places give your card back after opening a tab. Self-serve water isn’t as common, though.

In case you didn’t read what I said, I’ve BEEN in his situation (minus the helicopter) and had assault rifles drawn on me.

I believe you mean, Buffalo, Minnesota...Minneapolis is a city, just like Buffalo. And a good little ways from Buffalo, at that.

Have you ever been arrested? Or had police come at you in any circumstance like this? Or at all, for that matter? It’s easy to comply. You know what is not a good idea? To continuously be moving around when someone shows up, that you know is most likely a police officer, especially when you hear a fucking helicopter

I may have to disagree with you on this one. It’s horribly unfortunate that this happened, and I don’t condone the fact that the police shot and killed him (especially firing 20 fucking shots at him), but there’s a lot going on in these videos.

If only Trump wasn’t such a fat POS and actually just went a another step farther away from being presidential and did a boxing match against Biden.

To be fair, it’s pretty hard for Deion to really learn much about the NFL as an analyst when the majority of his time is spent analyzing how great he is himself.

Don’t worry. Minnesota also picked up that awesome backup, Simien or whatever it is from, that’s great.

And, yet the most distressing part of those videos is that people filmed it in portrait instead of landscape.

If only Florida man would have appeared and eaten part of the driver, and the car, in a bath salts induced zombie rage. That would just tie this whole thing up with a nice bow.

Because, as stupid as their questions are, they aren’t disrespecting you like you seem to think they are. It’s a stupid way to test reactions, and if you (or someone) gets that riled up over stupid questions like that then clearly you would react poorly in other situations.

Oh, yeah, totally get your point. I guess part of me isn’t surprised that call centers are not exactly great places, but with my experience I was a little taken aback by it since my experience was so far from that.

I can’t speak for any call centers other than the only one I ever worked at in the past, but I can say that during my time working at Best Buy’s customer service call center there was never anything like this. People were all very friendly and there was never any sort of harassment issue.

Okay, but where the hell is the video and audio?! I want to hear that ridiculous power, too! :(

Nice article, Alanis.

While I am quite envious of this man’s wealth and garage, he also seems like a douche of the highest magnitude.