
It really is beyond me why, or how someone could feel so heated by an article that they take the time to actually email shit like this?

Is it just me, or in the video of them before they drop gloves, do they appear to agree to fight (if you read their lips)? Hockey’s a strange sport...

I actually kind of disagree with your stance on what Netflix is doing. They’re releasing a fishing net of programming, and are marketing the biggest ones that will catch the biggest audience. The other programming that doesn’t get the coverage, like Altered Carbon, for instance, will be around and people will watch it

Post this shit on reddit and get the collective behind identifying the people that did this and get them arrested. Looting stores, especially after a fucking football game, is ridiculous.

Barstool sports seems like it’s the annoying frat bros that never grew up, and were also not mature enough or smart enough to actually get real jobs.

This might be the stupidest thing I’ve read in awhile. Yes, Brady is great and blah blah blah, but Bellichik is one of the single greatest coaching minds the sport has, and potentially will ever, see.

I’m not sure that this was insinuated as being sexual, but it is fucking weird... But, it’s also Brady, so it’s not surprising since he’s a huge fucking weirdo and a little stupid intellectually.

Would this be why my SQ5 has the same squeal occasionally (usually in the cold)?

I believe that it’s Grenco, isn’t it? Not Greenco. Also, not sure if it’s still the same, but back when I had their products the coils essentially burned and melted the plastic in the device causing it to create melted plastic vapors while you used it.

I believe that it’s Grenco, isn’t it? Not Greenco. Also, not sure if it’s still the same, but back when I had their

I mean, his daughter is a pissant. And Brady is a fucking buffoon. That being said, of course some local sports media something or other is going to bend over backwards to keep Brady happy.

Maybe we can all get lucky and he actually IS fucking one of these women and during it (soon, hopefully) he has a heart attack and dies.

I watched this earlier today, and then saw this article.

Well, there’s a new life goal for me.

My opinion is burn them all down, honestly. The over-abundance of the schools covering up abuses like these perpetrators have committed is appalling. I love college athletics, and football in particular, but the amount of them that help the athletes get away with things like rape is awful.

To be clear, I’m more so referring to her “I signed your death warrant” part. Badass. I love it.

Eh, fuck it. Let Newton play with a concussion. He’s a piece of shit, anyways.

Are you planning on going to a Superbowl anytime soon? If so, bravo. They’re not cheap.

FSU just has a great track record of stand-up guys at QB, huh?

I still hope that Winston breaks both legs and both arms during every game. That guy should never have a fucking career in the NFL. Fuck him, and fuck this guy. And fuck FSU.

She’s just so cold-blooded. I love it.