
Drew didn’t say the best sportswriter, but the most powerful and influential and it’s hard to come up with a good counterpoint. There are many REALLY good sportswriters, but none can point to a grantland-level project let along multiple versions of it. Simmons is influential enough that ESPN though it was a good idea

Two of the best players to come out of Duke think the world is flat, dinosaurs didn’t exist, 9/11 may or may not have been an inside job, and do “research” by reading random instagram pages. I blame Coach K.

The woman herself couldn’t believe Katie Roiphe was going to doxx her, so she wrote it herself

I think Splinter’s been covering it, they might be leaving it to them?

Fair point.

I hate you. But I really hate myself.

Aside from your tenuous grasp of the English language, and in all seriousness, I think you need to seek help from a mental health professional.

I hope LeBron goes to Boston just to mess with Kyrie.

“turn off location tracking on your phone if you already have it on, and say “wow, yeah, those things are weird, wonder how that turned off? lemme fix that, is it working for you now?””

Away fans got Sonned.

I think its hilarious that white Americans are generally okay with shooting deaths by police of minorities, but get very passionate if their weed is touched.

I would chew off a finger to get Pop’s thoughts on coaching London and dealing with Lavar. I have a better chance of getting signed by the Spurs.

Uh, this is shitty.

Just reverse the genders and ask yourself how this story by a guy would be reviewed by jezebel

You also never met a woman who keeps texting you afterwards just because she doesn’t know the meaning of ‘ one night stand’. Yes, those exist as well. That doesn’t make her a misandrist, just clingy.

Man, if that’s all you got out of the story, I definitely don’t think your reading comprehension skills are really up to scratch. It wasn’t my favorite short story of all time, but I thought it was a very good dissection of the ways in which confusing power dynamics between men and women interact, and the way in

Guess you missed the part at the end where he stalks her and calls her a whore huh? And the part where she’s 20 and he’s in his mid 30s.

I’m white and have actively hung out in every ward in the city and I’m still alive in my 40's. As a normally accepting city you, my friend, can stay the fuck away.

Hey, folks, it’s the same guy who below helpfully explains that Louisiana just up and decided to choose the French civil law system.