
As a Jew who is not Roy Moore’s attorney, I’d just like to say thanks, black people, for saving our assess. Also, fuck Alabama for the fact that this race was as close as it was.

huge if true

It’s because it’s not about gaining her consent. They don’t want to date her.

 That was also the toast as Roy Moore’s wedding.

Also, “Ni”. The only other time I’ve ever seen that as a word was in The Holy Grail, i.e. the nights who say

Interesting statement, though (per the Star Tribune):

And not just fired, but they severed all relationships with his companies, as well, so they will no longer broadcast the Writer’s Almanac or rebroadcast Prairie Home Companion, are renaming Prairie Home Companion (he retired as host a couple of years ago), and are separating from the public-radio-stuff catalog that I

Holy fucking shit.  I thought you were joking.  

Right after publishing an op-ed in praise of Al Franken.

Sean, when the British Royal Family is officially more comfortable with a black person entering than you are with a black QB, it’s time for some soul searching, brother

Death to the NCGA!

I don’t know how things are today, but when I played that game, the card texts and rules were beyond the ability of the average 7-years-old.

That’s poetic, man.

Been doing squats with an Iron Curtain of sorrow for most of 38 years. Parts of me are pretty jacked.

The Celtics were everywhere.

I believe they’re known as KKKLove

Lebron James & Derrick Rose?

Sounds like you’ve made up your mind.

Now playing

I think Ta-Nehisi Coates explanation here is perfect but I’ll add one thing. Anyone can absolutely, legally say the N-word. You are not free from consequences though and that goes for literally anything you say.

I would just like to say, that in a professional capacity, you shouldn’t comment on someone’s physical appearance (whether it pleases or disgusts you). Perhaps you think her story is one-sided and unfair, but I’m just pointing out that any person’s body is off the table when you’re in a professional situation. It’s