If you would like to invent actions the video clearly shows did not happen and then argue about those, be my guest. I’m unwilling to do likewise.
If you would like to invent actions the video clearly shows did not happen and then argue about those, be my guest. I’m unwilling to do likewise.
Sticking to sports!
Umm, you admitted you were wrong and then made a big point about rolling your eyes and then said you didn’t give a fuck. In the future just correct yourself and move on. No need for the ‘tude.
Yeah, but it’s not actually about Spacey. It’s about maintaining the full force of the meaning of important words. Sure, be mad. Also, be accurate with rape accusations.
Rolls eyes? Are we really at a place where we no longer feel the need to make the distinction between what Rapp described as “trying to get with me sexually” and rape? Come on.
1) The mob isn’t acting as a judge and jury. Judges and juries are judges and juries (like in your case, where your friend’s dad ended up in jail). And I get that there have been cases of innocent men’s lives being ruined by a false accusation, but:
“This is strictly anecdotal, but it’s always something I think about when I hear things like this.”
These aren’t entertainment complexes. They’re public lands, which people pay taxes to sustain and manage.
Typical PC culture can’t handle the truth
Or, and hang with me here, instead of of telling people to accept our stupid, broken, exploitative system or get out, we could make our system less shitty.
Go fuck yourself.
There was an announcer for the SEC back in the 80s that was known as “Mr. String Music” because he coined — or at least popularized — the phrase. Joe Dean (I couldn’t remember his name, but the google told me).
Get better eyes. Holy shit.
“antisemitism amuses me!”
You know, I asked my Jewish friends about this one once.. they laughed themselves silly at the thought that anyone would believe such things. Its kind of like the rumor people have that Catholics aren’t suppose to have sex unless it is to have children. In both cases, at best, it represents a fundamental…
Portnoy is the drunk libertarian undergrad wannabe frat-bro asshole who somehow stayed on the periphery of your friends in college. (Perhaps he could get drugs.) Those guys never fucking change and just become more pathetic as they get older.
You’re right. This does make you look like a horrible person.
I really hope men reading this piece don’t feel defensive. It’s ok to admit that we haven’t done enough to change the culture of how men treat women, but we can accept that we need to actively change how we treat other men. Not speaking up when your friends are doing something that you know is wrong is you being…
What planet are you from that you even have to ask this question?
Take the gig, be super professional and treat the technical folks and the tour manager respectfully, and you get on The List. Somebody needs a drummer they’re gonna ask around and maybe your name comes up. Nobody who matters judges a working musician for playing for a paycheck.