To ruin the world for all of the assholes who see people enjoying the freedom to live their lives in peace and ask ,”But Why?”
How dare deadspin publish a post by Mr. Petchesky, with his slavic sounding name, on this, the 5th anniversary of the Ljubljana Marshes hot air balloon crash in Slovenia. I am aghast at the insensitivity.
This franchise is what you get after a Disney ride impregnates the Saints.
Hey, if the 40k jobs actually materialize and offset over $1 billion in tax incentives, then we’ll talk. It follows the same failed neoliberal path that dumps money into businesses in the hope it will al trickle down to the larger city. Baltimore’s track record with this strategy has been awful, and look no farther…
This wasn’t a strong move by Pugh but she needs to come through a hell of a lot more to make up for the absurdly awful giveaway to Under Armour
So much for the tolerant cleft
Probably the fact that the ball wouldn’t have been caught without a throw to exactly that spot coupled with a catch that you acknowledged was outstanding.
Would never ask a Stoolie to hold my drink, would probably roofy it
There are a shocking number of people (okay, men) who don’t seem to be capable of separating the two concepts, and the internet seems to embolden them further. At no point would a person think “that cute girl in the grocery store made eye contact with me; I will walk up to her and either pull down my pants and show…
Except, y’know, Bernie has facile policies.
I originally felt sort of viscerally repulsed by that opening paragraph for not being how any of this would typically be described by someone familiar with the game, but then it turned into a lot of respect for how succinctly and accurately it describes the situation for people unfamiliar with Dota without being…
This will be a stain on the otherwise sterling recent reputation of Michigan State affiliated athletes and coaches.
Other Men’s Butts Are Sinful: A Tim Tebow Guide to the Shotgun Offense.
By that standard, nothing in sports is “essential news”. They could stop covering the NFL entirely as well but that would be fucking stupid because they are a sports coverage website.
that’s a pretty bizarre take on media criticism. publications of all political stripes cover (or: get their clicks from) people/entities/events that run counter to their core interests, because news is news. yes, Deadspin will cover the results because it’s a sports site covering a sporting event, and will continue to…
I am new to MMA and boxing, but I’ve really enjoyed it. It is amazing to me that these men seal their fists inside orbs of concrete and then spin around like tops inside the ring and when the concrete orbs smash against their opponent, pieces of the opponents body will just explode in a red spray of gore. But the…