
and ryu should be wearing shoes when he is fighting in random places, vega probably shouldn’t wear a mask as it just impairs his vision, rashid shouldn’t be wearing his scouter since a kick to the head might break it and you don’t want to get stuff in your eyes

That entire episode was complete crap and among my least liked Who episodes.

Indeed. It is hard to dislike the visual improvements made to Bespin.

Also, the edition of Luke and Vader contacting each other as they flew away from Cloud City. That was a nice addition.

I think Empire was better, especially Cloud City. The windows, the exterior shots, the hatch on the Falcon; those were all way, way better. In fact that’s what the SEs should have been. Most people don’t even realize that they were changed because they just fit in so nicely, rather than in-your-face like the new lead

I thought this fit with his history of chasing after women screaming “WOMAN WOMAN WOMAN” What threw me off was the fact that he used an almost complete sentence.

I dunno, I liked it! I even liked the two jokes that got mentioned for being horrible! TBH if people are *just* now realizing that Piggy has always been both horrible and horribly treated as a character, I’m not sure I can take that critique seriously. I also think it’s weird to characterize Kermit’s new girlfriend as

The author may be a manchild who refuses to believe that people change, even the Muppets.

Even though Animal repeatedly shouted “WOMAAAAAAAN!!!!” in the past as a catchphrase. I mean, that’s the joke, that he finally got all of them and feels unfulfilled.

I was just going to point that out. Animal yelling “Woman!” or “I want woman!” (as he did in The Muppets Take Manhattan) has been one of his traits from the start. There were also jokes about Miss Piggy’s weight, and she used to karate chop people if she didn’t get her way. The whole appeal of Ms. Piggy is that she’s

Rodney McKay. They toned down his sexism and obnoxiousness from SG 1 and gave him character development in Atlantis to make him a great character.

The perfect person to play Captain Marvel is Emma Stone

WORD. I loved the batman/wonder woman idea from the cartoons. Tension. things unsaid, love unrealized. DAMN, but that would make a helluva thing for the comics.

Well the thing is Peter considers himself a loser. Everyone else thinks he’s great.

Are they limiting her professionally? Are they intruding on her though?

It may take Godzilla a while to show up but in most movies in which his name actually appears he isn’t outright tangential to the plot. Also good buildup isn’t just paid off by cutting away to a kid watching TV.

Yes, and as much as I love those movies, admit it; they’re usually the worst of the Showa era. And once they showed Godzilla, they kept showing Godzilla. Although I do appreciate the American take’s attempt to translate boring meetings, ineffectual female “leads” and idiotic military planning across the Pacific. “The

Always amuses me that the imprint was called “Cliffhanger”.

Snarky Alfred is the best Alfred. BTAS Alfred forever!