
and ryu should be wearing shoes when he is fighting in random places, vega probably shouldn’t wear a mask as it just impairs his vision, rashid shouldn’t be wearing his scouter since a kick to the head might break it and you don’t want to get stuff in your eyes

Are they limiting her professionally? Are they intruding on her though?

I agree, I never really understood the complaints about the continuity either when you consider that the entire book is just a mismatch of two universes that no longer have any continuity, it’s not the 616 and Ultimate universe as they were at the very end, just an interesting combination of the characters.

Seeing this play out in action around me was disturbing.

He probably paid more than the cost of the game to ship that many bottle caps...

I'd imagine gender swapped versions of the D3 heroes are going to happen sooner rather than later. Male Barbarian and female Witch Doctor skins were datamined a long time ago.

I imagine each included D3 character will get their gender-switch counterpart as buyable skins (w/ accompanying voice changes, natch) in the future, just seem like obvious options.

Controller support is asked for often and I think we are moving it up the priority list. I get asked about MH on PS4 often and I think it is something we would all love to see.

While I’m not the biggest fan of the way Geralt looks or sounds I don’t mind RPGs which you can’t change your character. When I played through all three Mass Effect games I kept the default Shepard because I liked the way he looked and I guess it just felt right to play the game with that model.

Wow, you’re getting a lot of hate for a pretty milquetoast gripe. People seem to be really caught up in their worship of imaginary murder-dudes. I’m a big fan of customization as well, even though that comes with a lot of pitfalls. I get that not every game can allow that from a narrative standpoint though, but I do

dude, I’m loving this thread so much. I started out disagreeing with you about Geralt, and still do actually. I really like the character and the games, and I’m super excited to play it. But your ability to dislike something and not try to FORCE people to see that you are 100% objectively correct, (which these other

All this pointless bickering

Do you think that John Marsten had a better, more interesting voice actor? I do, Geralts voice actor missed the mark for me, I've read 2 of the Witcher books and I expected Geralts voice to have more life and charisma to it. What we got is a soulless sounding Sam Fisher.

Wow, this thread has more character than Geralt. Now that’s a troll comment, but what you’ve been saying man is legit. You have an opinion and thats all it was but everyone got so butt hurt like you insulted there moms. A lot of the butt hurt peeps “read” the book and apply that character to the game version, it’s not

I imagine that you have many friends, who also dislike Witcher, and actively comment negatively about it on the Internetz, but are not trolls. Definitely not trolls.

Well, I never said I was mentally stable...

I am with you on this one. I am going to give it another try.

I think he’s superficially generic (white hair, brooding, blah blah blah) but one you add in the more reflective, philosophic elements of his personality, he becomes a lot more interesting. He’s a lone warrior from a bygone era who is existentially aware of his diminishing place in the world.

Geralt the character is awesome. It’s the voice actor for me, he just seems so...blah.

Yo I feel the same way, but more in the fact I just hate the way he looks, and I don’t like his voice. It’s a big selling point for me to actually like the character if I’m to play as him or her for the entirety of the game. Geralt may be cool to everyone else, but I just don’t dig him. I’m going to try to force