
Zack Snyder: “Oh god! COLOR! Quick! Desaturate everything!”

As long as it still plays like Dragon’s Dogma, I’ll be happy no matter what.

The last American Godzilla movie wasn’t a terrible film, per se, it just focused too damn much on the aspect of the movie I cared least about; the human element. I watch Kaiju movies to see monsters fight, not to watch some third-rate soap opera play out between characters I couldn’t care any less about. Hope that

Every time I think they can't make a costume worse at DC, they prove me wrong. Newsflash, DC - this is Superman and this is Wonder Woman:

I definitely want Dragon's Dogma Online way more than Deep Down. Though i want Dragon's Dogma 2 way more than both.

Love this idea. Garfield could cameo in Civil War, then maybe he dies 30-45 minutes into the Spider-Man reboot in 2017.

There appears to be a new location for the flexible sentry, too.

Not pictured: Super Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, as it is currently busy using the galaxy as its footstool -

*raises hand* Never once noticed that, been through the Hinterlands several times now. I think I might have an attention problem xD

Can't wait to see her floating this year:

Or the "I'm turning my back to the player for a bit and look just passed the camera while delivering dialog then turning back the the player." It's almost hilarious how recognizable all these animations have become. I like it though, in a weird way.

Game looks cool but..


Get it - REACHing?

He will be replaced with Mr. Dream.

Let's be honest about two things:

If you build it, they will cum.

How to draw generic characters 101.

I'd like Chiwetel Ejiofor. Loved him as the Operative in Firefly and just about everything else he's been in.