I gotta say this is the most excited I’ve ever been for a new Doctor. Most of the time it’s an actor I don’t know taking over a role that the previous actor did a good job it. (Except Matt Smith. I like him but was never a fan of his Doctor.)But I love this actress in Attack the Block and Broadchurch. She’s going to…
Hurray! It’s passable!.....Hurray.
It’s the only section in the game that disables your ability to use fairies to resurrect. They literally change the rules of the game to ensure that you’re killed if you fight. They want you to die if you’re seen. That’s pretty forced.
He was much easier. But a similar sort of pattern.
I prefer that fucker Thunderblight Ganon. That felt like a Dark Souls boss...
Huh. Good advice.
It’s also restricted and not much fun. They could have given you a huge ninja tower hideout to infiltrate however you like from any angle and instead they stuck you with a Wind Waker forced stealth sequence.
I wanted them all dead. Their bullshit alarm state that doesn’t activate fairies pissed me off.
Yeah when they go for bananas you can sneak strike them. Sword has to be decent though.
True. When he says “Half way there!” I was like “Ughhhh”
Let me clarify. I used bananas and killed everyone when they weren’t looking.
Full disclosure I’m always wearing the Sheikah Suit... I wanna be a ninja at all times.
Oohhh shit I didn’t even think of that! I just used bananas. You’re smarter than me. This game is great.
If you’ve played Wind Waker’s or Ocarina’s forced stealth..it’s very close to that. The Desert area is full of things that feel like relics from past Zelda games and they feel at odds with the “breaking conventions” approach of the rest of the game.
Look I don’t wanna be that guy..but I did this on the first try. No issues. Just stay pretty far away and look for his word balloons. Little guy talks a lot.
There is, however, ANOTHER forced stealth sequence that actually is the worst thing about the game. This is cake.
...It just looks like the same shit.