
I’m not sure about this grimdark remake of Coming To America.

noooo, not ultimate Jessica Drew. She’s gotta be around somewhere! right? RIGHT? *sigh*
I do miss the entire extended cast of Ultimate Spider-Man.

I am very excited for this. Spider-Men is one of my favorite modern Spidey stories. BMB has really done a great job with Miles. I just can’t think of what this will reveal that’ll be that shocking.

Would future films get the right tone, giving audiences a sufficiently fun, superhero feeling to go along with the universe’s decidedly dark vision?

I still think my idea of a veritable army of Nick Fury’s bastard children from all over the world who have all mysteriously lost their left eye banding together to fight evil is a great idea.

Are you referring to the Yiga Clan mission for the Gerudo queen? Because that one was pissing me off until I realized I could just use stasis to sneak by guards.

Shutup idiot

Were you hoping for an in-game revelation that the hookshot was cut? Have you been anticipating the moment, 100 hours into Breath of the Wild, where Ganon looks at Link with a sinister smile and says, “There’s no hookshot!” Were you hoping to spend 400 hours uncovering every inch of Breath of the Wild’s massive world

Batman is a scientist. It’s not even debatable.

Yes, though it’s limiting compared to actual IRL skin tones.

I am pretty sure the Asian people who are actually annoyed by the GITS casting are Asian American. One of the big problems with whitewashing (we can get into a debate about whether GITS is whitewashing somewhere else) is that there are plenty of qualified Asian American actors who would be great in the roles but the

Too bad, I was really hoping he’d play JJJ.

Vigilante teen is a strong black principled teen, and we’ve all seen this movie before.

It looks like they significantly “whited” her up for that variant cover.

“Show is for children” shouldn’t be an excuse for shitty writing and a transparent ploy to sell more toys and things to said children.

I like the idea that Schmidt could end up being undone by the ambition of his own creation, there is a special irony in that ending, both for Rogers and Schmidt.

Hmm, maybe if you added boobs and removed the penis...

Cool... the guys responsible for two of the blandest comic book versions of Wonder Woman from the past ten years...

I would love to see Marvel recreate this scene somehow in live action with Krysten Ritter and Mike Colter, even if it’s just to promote the Netflix shows.

A million times this. A lot of people hate on Bendis (sometimes for good reason), but his writing for Jones and Cage is consistently great. They’re my favorite thing about his books.