

I agree. Should we have a conversation about the mess that is Psylocke?

They shouldn’t hate on him. He is the most badass robin. I am still a Dick Grayson fan, but Damien is right up there.

I see nothing wrong with this.

That’s not the original Legend of Zelda. That’s Link to the Past.

Exactly. He’s NOT really Batman in the Nolan trilogy. No one really matches their character - Batman, Joker, and Bane especially are kind of there in name only. Bale comes across as a whiny, almost weak - mentally and physically, rich guy. He gives up, gets beaten, and gets emotional far too easily to be The Goddamn

I actually didn’t think Ledger’s Joker was very good. Don’t get me wrong - Ledger gave a fantastic performance. It was incredible acting. The problem was, his/Nolan’s interpretation of the character didn’t do justice to the character imo. The Joker is defined in large part by his twisted humor (especially gags like

Bethesda never did get how to make a proper melee combat. It’s one of the things I wish they would improve upon. :)

So much this. It KILLS me that Bethesda barely worked into Fallout 4 some (if any) of the obvious improvements Obsidian made in New Vegas. The companion wheel, for instance, is so much better than the system in Fallout 3, 4, and even Skyrim. It’s one thing for Bethesda to not incorporate things that modders add over

Everyone should be kill-able honestly. Even important game breaking characters. In Morrowind if you killed off someone you needed to complete the main quest it gave you a prompt to tell you you screwed up so royally there is no saving the world you are in. Now important characters just fall over and keep getting back

Your character could always have a personality in Fallout.

The one you decided they should have.

Now you’re Commander 111, and this is my favorite town in the Commonwealth.

and ryu should be wearing shoes when he is fighting in random places, vega probably shouldn’t wear a mask as it just impairs his vision, rashid shouldn’t be wearing his scouter since a kick to the head might break it and you don’t want to get stuff in your eyes

Are they limiting her professionally? Are they intruding on her though?

I agree, I never really understood the complaints about the continuity either when you consider that the entire book is just a mismatch of two universes that no longer have any continuity, it’s not the 616 and Ultimate universe as they were at the very end, just an interesting combination of the characters.

Seeing this play out in action around me was disturbing.

He probably paid more than the cost of the game to ship that many bottle caps...

I'd imagine gender swapped versions of the D3 heroes are going to happen sooner rather than later. Male Barbarian and female Witch Doctor skins were datamined a long time ago.

I imagine each included D3 character will get their gender-switch counterpart as buyable skins (w/ accompanying voice changes, natch) in the future, just seem like obvious options.

Controller support is asked for often and I think we are moving it up the priority list. I get asked about MH on PS4 often and I think it is something we would all love to see.

While I’m not the biggest fan of the way Geralt looks or sounds I don’t mind RPGs which you can’t change your character. When I played through all three Mass Effect games I kept the default Shepard because I liked the way he looked and I guess it just felt right to play the game with that model.