But the company they founded together wasn’t Adidas, it was Gebrüder Dassler, Sportschuhfabrik, Herzogenaurach
But the company they founded together wasn’t Adidas, it was Gebrüder Dassler, Sportschuhfabrik, Herzogenaurach
One Nazi!
Say what you want about the French, but they know how to treat royalty.
You know, that’s not such a bad idea, a war with the US over James Corden might be what brings our fractious nation(s) back together.
Who has been messing with that Monkey’s Paw?
And The Manchurian Candidate, he was tremendous in that too.
Ooh meant to add - Date With a Vampyre - The Screaming Tribesmen
Talk About Run - Clint Eastwood & General Saint
“Does whatever Florences Do" perhaps?
Sharni Vinson, the only other things I’ve seen her in are one of the Step Up films and Guardians of Justice, an odd Netflix live-action/animation hybrid that’s basically a retelling of the Justice League (as in the comic book characters, not the film specifically).
I've only seen that through once but it's always what I think of when I see a story about someone accumulating bad headlines.
Prey is certainly good, I'll give you that much. Obviously being a prequel it doesn't have to deal with the other sequels continuity-wise, but I'll be honest I don't know the filmmakers's attitudes towards the other Predator films.
Is there any example of a sequel where the creative team have said “We’re ignoring all the shit sequels and only using the good stuff!” that isn’t itself rubbish?
Heh, Gelatinous Cube, eats village...I think that’s terrific.
I think she's great, Peaky Blinders' utter lack of redeeming features is what ruined it for me, but it's all swings and roundabouts isn't it?
But that's just it, she wasn't billed top but she easily big enough to be an "and also these people!" actor, absolutely.
Bill Murray is over six foot, shorter than Chase but not by all that much.
Very harsh on Anya Taylor-Joy, she's on her way to being a massive star.
I did read that Christian Bale can make his eye drop down to one side as if it were a glass eye, so that might be why.