I'm frankly astonished that so many people think this will be anything other than superfluous fanservice.
I'm frankly astonished that so many people think this will be anything other than superfluous fanservice.
That’s just it though, I *loved* Justified, but I’m very much from the school that rather something finished well than kept on going. Justified finished beautifully, everyone agreed that its time had come gracefully to and end, and then bam, more Justified for some reason. These tagged on epilogues are rarely any…
Um, why though?
Also, the new Ray’s real name was Stanley Kowalski and his ex-wife was called Stella.
There’s four directions on this map but you’re only going one way
I would order one in a heartbeat.
Every time you wrote Yellowjackets I read Yellowstone, and I was confused because nothing I’ve read about the latter suggests “delightful pulp nonsense”.
Aye, it read a bit like Summer Wars to me. I absolutely love that film, and I’m not a huge anime guy in the main.
“It’s a sort of threat, you see, I’ve never been very good at them”.
That’s a fair assessment. The fourth series in particular had a lower budget, and fewer fight scenes (partly because Anthony Starr was really feeling it after playing “Lucas Hood” for three years) but I think it’s still good, albeit different in feel to the first three. I definitely appreciate that it got to finish on…
Since I last saw an episode of The Boys, I’ve watched Banshee through twice. Man, how good was Banshee?
I should have read further down, every third post is about You Must Remember This. Apologies!
The podcast You Must Remember This did a really good series on Polly Platt and her influence on Bogdanovich’s films (among others). Well worth a listen.
Yeah, Godspeed Rooney...
“I said my piece”.
I’d go with Rowdy Roddy Piper over Hulk but yeah, lots of wrestlers make the jump with little to no trouble.
Prioritise Pleasure by SELF ESTEEM is clearly the song of the year, although I will also hear arguments for The Weather Station's The Robber.
Surely given the subject matter of the film, the grade should have been C++?
Iceman and Ray is probably my favourite double-act in all of TV (well, probably after Lister and Rimmer). I tend to agree that he’s a perfectly good, sometimes great, actor who can’t always be relied upon to be good in dross.
Also she lent Eggers a fish for the shoot and she was *not happy* when she found out what he did with it.