He really was. His dark energy put me in mind of Corey Stoll’s villainous roles, funnily enough.
He really was. His dark energy put me in mind of Corey Stoll’s villainous roles, funnily enough.
But the one from Kingsman *is* the one who played Elton John (and is easily the most talented of the three).
I really like Sugerland Express, out of that lot, do I can recommend watching that.
I’m really glad it’s not just me, I absolutely couldn’t stand Ed but I’ve been taken to task for that more than once!
Gosh, the threshold for impressive ain’t what it used to be.
That’s funny, I saw Welcome to Raccoon City last night and it used what I will always think of as “The John Carpenter font”, although I think Kubrick might have used it before that.
You won’t be disappointed in her sequence, I can tell you that much.
Greg and Comfry elope, Tom stalks them like Robert Mitchum in Cape Fear. I think that’s true to the established dynamic between the pair.
I fully agree, “What the fuck, Kendall?” was pretty much the unanimous reaction in my household at that scene, not “Awful gift Naomi, you idiot”. I did think it funny that it was a watch though, since we’ve already had an extended awkward scene with Kendall and a “gift” watch, and Naomi saw it play out, so maybe she…
I don’t know how much on tick,tick...Boom! is true, as I understand the film made it more explicitly autobiographical than the musical did. But if Larsen really was mentored, even briefly, by Sondheim they way he is in the film, then that’s a beautiful example of someone paying something forward.
I’m so glad you said that mate cos I definitely saw it a few months ago - it was several minutes of uninterrupted pre-historic footage, then a shorter section in the modern day at a drive-in theatre. I wondered why so long after the fact it merited its own article!
I love that, against all odds, Wesley Snipes is still really good. Time, nor prison, nor an inability to choose (or perhaps be offered) roles in good projects can wither the man. He was the best thing in Dolemite Is My Name and the only good thing in Coming 2 America.
It is a UK genre but it’s nothing like Grunge I’m afraid.
I do wonder if they’re going to play it a bit like Silicon Valley did - keep it in a holding pattern for a while (almost too long, you might say) but continuously blowing up the status quo as it barrels towards the end of the series. Brian Cox seems to think that there are only two more seasons, I think, after this…
I told you all weeks ago, Kendall ain’t got shit on Logan and Waystar with his documents. Lisa all but said as much to him before she was fired, and further confirmed when Kendall went crawling to Tom.
Goodness me yes, if any character deserves their own spin-off film, it’s Julie Estelle’s The Operator. It even seemed like that’s what they were intending, the way she turns up, cleans house and disappears again.
Timo Tjahjanto also has a background in action - he made the terrific The Night Comes For Us and co-directed the Iko Uwais film Headshot. I’m not sure if that’s promising or not.
Got to agree there, I really wish this stuff could be kept under wraps. If I didn’t know Alfred Molina was turning up in this one until I was actually watching it, I probably...well not cheer out loud because I’m a reserved British man, but you know, inwardly cheer.
bunch of morons throws it to Naturally.