That reminds me of one of my favourite Larry Sanders jokes.
That reminds me of one of my favourite Larry Sanders jokes.
It's like 10,000 cocktail umbrellas when all you want is one Ice Cube.
I was sceptical at first but now the anti-vaxxers have me convinced.
Excellent, that seems to play to both men’s strengths.
Not as much as it was for the other guy in Blades of Glory, however!
Well, as discussed in the thread above, Will Ferrell will insist on continuing to act in movies..
Holmes and Watson, which I also haven’t seen, was my first thought upon seeing the headline. They couldn’t even conjure one passable joke for the trailer.
Oh I've no doubt it's a real word, but it's unusual to hear it twice in a few days, from (TV) brothers no less.
Did he pitch the word ‘meretricious’ to the Succession screenwriters or did you steal it off them, because I’m not sure I’d ever heard the word before this week and now it’s appeared twice, once from Brian Cox and once from onscreen brother James Cromwell.
I like Iron Man 2 better than the first one, and Dark World for that matter.
Right, but it’s no “Blanchin’ in my Mansion”, is it?
Careful now.
Ack, I was too young to see Scream at the cinema at the time. I got a ticket to see it this Sunday, but I’ve since tested positive for COVID so barring a miraculous recovery (and obviously a negative test - I’m not wreckless!) I’m going to have to palm off my tickets to this and the 4K restoration of Blade off to…
That whole episode is absolute gold. The twin runners of people quoting or near quoting The Monster Mash, and the cops going “SHHshshshshh” at each other never fail to crack me up.
I love the running gag in “Who Got Dee Pregnant” where Dee is progressively more bird-like in each flashback, culminating with her being replaced by an actual screeching Ostrich in Mac’s recollection.
I was just about to say that. Barsanti makes a point of mentioning it at every opportunity and it’s just aggravating.
Oh I absolutely agree that the episodic element is important to the series as a whole, and a lot of the best episodes are those self-contained ones.
I’m a bit disappointed that it seems most of the one-off episodes of the Anime seem to be recreated for this version (the early ones, at least).
Aye, I always thought that 27 was pushing it for Spike, the amount he crammed into his backstory. He was clearly a guy in his mid-30s that they felt compelled to tell us was 27.
My mate said that Chalamet's delivery of "Desert Power" made him think of George Michael Bluth saying "I'm Mister Manager!" and now I can't put it out of my head.