Rueful Countenance

Now that's a film I like a lot more than I think I should. 

That and all his subsequent films. And I say that as someone who likes Southland Tales more than most.

May I present the King (Fuhrer?) of all failed pilots:

No no, it’s always been spelt Mendela, you must be mistaken.

She was tremendous in The Assistant, too.

Oh absolutely, I don’t mean to imply that Connor is in any way a good guy, I just mean that he was the only one capable of not acting like a complete prick in the moment, and showed some actual warmth and compassion to his blood relatives.

Those Olivier Assayas films are both belting, I’m glad she rates them, too.

The words he used to describe Kendall could easily be turned back on himself. I wonder if the writers were deliberately inviting that reading.

Following on from my question last week about how much evidence Greg managed to save from Tom, Kendall’s evasiveness to Shiv makes me believe that it is *much* less substantial than his press conference led us to believe. He also seemed spooked when his lawyer said it would be great for them if Logan were to fight it.

On the other hand, Connor had a good episode by displaying some basic human decency. He was the only one to hug Kendall, he defended Roman from Shiv’s nastier barbs and, for what it’s worth, he was the only one to admit he knew about some of the cruises stuff (no doubt still slightly shook from having to deliver Mo

Shiv is getting knocked around like a piñata.

2 Russia 2 Dispatch

Actually, I do get them if I scroll down to the Reviews section of the film page, but they’re nowhere to be seen anywhere on the homepage.

Fair enough, I was just choosing a page with a concentration of reviews.

Heaven knows if this screenshot will work with Kinja as it is, but this is what mine looks like, no grades:

Well quite, what I mean is, his latest pronouncements should be in no way used to determine how likely Kill Bill 3 actually is, because he’s always talking about projects that never get made. He’s not at Guillermo del Toro levels yet, but he isn’t far off.

One-crazy-night picaresques are exactly my jam, so I’m looking forward to this now, having previously never heard of it.

On my browser (Edge, because I’m on my dinner break at work) the letter grade appears briefly before the image comes in, then disappears. The letter grades haven’t been showing on the homepage for a few days, now. It might be different of Chrome, I’ll have a look later.

In Big Little Lies, would it have killed them to put in a line or two about how Kidman’s character had grown up in Australia and moved to the US as a young woman? It wouldn’t have changed anything about her character and we wouldn’t have had to follow her accent round the houses every time she raised her voice.

Tarantino likes to run his mouth about upcoming films. Over the years he’s speculated about making: