I always thought that Wesley Snipes was ripe for John Travolta style Tarantino-fication. He’s still got the goods acting wise (see his turn as D’Urville Martin), still looks great, I think he’d kill in a role tailored to him.
I always thought that Wesley Snipes was ripe for John Travolta style Tarantino-fication. He’s still got the goods acting wise (see his turn as D’Urville Martin), still looks great, I think he’d kill in a role tailored to him.
That makes perfect sense. I suppose they could have kept the concept and called it something different, though.
There was one element to me that didn’t quite work, partly due to the format, and that was the Emperor’s plan.
It had preview screenings across the UK yesterday, but it has been out in large swathes of Europe for weeks.
Also, I didn’t think it was all that long, all told. Especially given how much information needs to be imparted across the film. Some background stuff from the books is omitted entirely anyway, like The Butlerian Jihad (and indeed any explanation about the lack of computers) and what the deal really is with those…
Y: Tho?
I might be misunderstanding here, but should that be “grown-up Bubbles”, as in the Powerpuff Girl?
Shut up, Crime!
My mate always wanted Armie Hammer to play Booster Gold. I thought, while he maybe lacked the range, Paul Walker was a really good fit physically.
I picked up three TPBs of that JSA run (I think a library were selling them off or something) and I really enjoyed them, despite not having read much either side of it, continuity-wise. I remember a couple of the arcs were Hawkman coming back, and Mr. Terrific being elected as the new leader. Courtney had joined and…
I’d love to see a Batman film where he’s a brilliant detective/strategist rather than a guy who can take damage like nobody’s business. This doesn’t appear to be that film, but we’ll see.
I have an irrational hatred of the name Joy Orbison.
10cc and The Lovin' Spoonful are both supposedly named after the same thing but you'll also hear people involved in both bands deny it.
Did you know that there’s a Sheffield mathcore band that shares your username, give or take an “l”?
Bridgette Wilson, who played Elsa, was Sonya Blade in the first two Mortal Kombat films.
I like that the ever-dwindling paper evidence for the cruise ship scandal seems to be just as thorough and explosive as it would have been had it all come to light in the first place.
I liked a description of that film in which it said that Shannon basically plays his own incompetent enforcer.
““Say now?””
I think it’s more that they want to be in the band but Mike Love keeps having purges and gets rid of anyone who is not loyal/subservient to him.