I wasn’t expecting the new one to be so heavily inspired by Metal Gear Solid, I must admit.
I wasn’t expecting the new one to be so heavily inspired by Metal Gear Solid, I must admit.
I don’t like V either, by any means, but I found IV overblown stupidity more annoying that V’s...nothingness.
Couldn’t agree more, mate. Rocky IV is, to my mind, the worst of the Rocky films. Creed II, on the other hand, suffered slightly from following the first Creed but is actually an excellent sequel to both that and Rocky IV.
Is it my imagination, or are there fewer recongisable songs on the soundtrack now, too? I always liked that about the first series, hearing proper songs instead of the soundalike dreck we’re often lumbered with.
I never even thought of Icicle, I thought it was just Eclipso’s hold on the weather getting stronger, but given that the teaser is usually something significant, you might well be right.
Sheffield has an annual horror film festival - Celluloid Screams, which I tried and failed to get tickets for (it’s my own fault, I’m not a huge horror fan and by the time I decided that a film festival might be good fun anyway, it was sold out due to pandemic-induced limited seating).
That Dino Ironbody, he knows just exactly what the facts is.
I know this isn’t the role they’re talking about, but you always hear how Ray Liotta was a candidate to play Tony, and Lorraine Bracco was top pick for Carmela.
It is the best one, and also the best episode if you’re only going to see one as it stands alone so well. That said, the rest is definitely worth watching, too.
Now I don’t know what to think, because I’d always heard that Cough Whitlam was scrupulously honest, but his character reference comes from Murry Chang, who is a real piece of work.
I wonder about the efficacy of adapting the Bounty of the Week episodes directly - wouldn’t the be better writing new one-off episodes, but keeping the general sweep the same?
Same, I didn’t consciously stop watching 86, but the gaps between me watching episodes got longer and longer. I’ve still never finished it.
Which is really stupid, because Black Panther had barely any Asians in its cast at all!
Aristotle Athari was Gabe in Silicon Valley.
Go Go Cactus Man might be my favourite piece of music other than Tank! in the entire series, so let’s hope Andy turns up!
Hey look, it’s a picture of Ben Platt from two years ago!
Chibnall’s previous non-Who work was good though - Broadchurch was excellent (well, the first series one, and the third. The second was a bit...terrible).
I have, yes!
Sam has cunningly hidden one real Netflix show in this list of obvious fakes. Find it to win a prize!