Rueful Countenance

Kenny G has achieved that greatest of all accolades - becoming a shorthand pop-culture punchline.

I agree with this entirely, except I suppose I actively dislike Weezer. But yes, more articles like this, this was a great read.

Well I pay a lot more than that in England for IMAX (or I would if I didn’t have an unlimited card) but otherwise my experience seems a lot closer to yours than it does to the American cinema goer.

I'm sorry, T!

Is this the thing where there’s always a film on TV featuring either Michael Caine or Gene Hackman?

...and your ass will follow.

He was gay, Gary Cooper?

It was a wise commenter (I know not who) who said in response to one of Nathan Rabin’s articles that the older you get, the more you realise “All-Star Cast” is more a warning than a promise.

I wasn’t either! Well, not exactly, at any rate.

You might think that, but in the last episode I watched Amy Ryan appeared and she’s not less appealing than anyone.

When I saw the headline I wondered if it was going to be an American-set adaptation of that.

I have a similar problem as I never know how much Ruckus to bring.

I know it’s almost a cliche at this point but Omar really is one the great TV characters (or anything characters I suppose). Williams really grabbed the opportunity with both hands, performing so well that they kept Omar around so much longer that they would have, and then bringing that undeniable presence to his

I, uh, goddah tell yuh, I don’t, uh appreciate you missing Talking Sopranos from that list. I think you uh, high-hatted them a bit there. They come in, these AV Club asswipes and it’s all “Office Ladies this, Parks and Rec that, pah-pah-pah” and we’re fucking, uh, you know, The Sopranos was the BEST show on TV. THE

“We Dug Coal Together - A Justified re-watch Podcast”

No, they’re used interchangeably here too, although I think reporters et al prefer “wunderkind” as sounding better than “wonder kid”. Otherwise though they mean the same thing.

You’ve got to admire someone who maximises their profits by accurately judging their level of fame and popularity, and attaching the appropriate price-tag - enough the make more money than nearly everyone else, not so much that it puts people off.

I watched The Godfather Part III over lockdown and I rather liked it.

This film actually has a token POC queer couple, so that’s something, is it not?

Dave Grohl has sensible realised that he can’t afford to fight against children on two fronts, so he has sued for peace with Nandi Bushell and will now concentrate his forces on the Nevermind baby.