
Another convincing argument for a 99-100% (effective) estate tax rate.

“A Google search turns up X results” is the “Webster’s dictionary defines X” of the digital age.

you keep talking about people responding emotionally and being triggered when it’s so clearly just you.

I wonder how many times he said “this is the airborne poop” into the camera and had to delete the clip because the poop was not, in fact, airborne but instead all over his legs.

Are you a cop?

What’s with the body shaming? This guy is a monstrous piece of shit; his fairly typical body that lots of (good, bad, and in between) people have is not what makes him terrible. Isn’t it enough to criticize him for being a racist without also implicitly criticizing people who share his body type?

Do you really not see a difference between saying a governmental employee works for the people and saying everyone works for everyone who participates in a market economy? The first may be stupid, but the second (and conflating the two) is far stupider.

you can renew your passport in ~2 weeks without paying a rush fee.

That’s like when the ESPN golf writer gives letter grades to players after each round of a major. And yes, they pretty much correspond to the actual number score that counts.

This is the perfect Ringer article. Every article is either a trade value list or a “who won [the thing that doesn’t have a winner and doesn’t make sense discussed as if it does].” This has both!

Georgia usually refers to the state when you’re in the US.

It was, but there’s not much point in trying to draw the defense offside on 4th and goal from the 1.

he should’ve said “yes, blog it.”

Ah, so everyone’s an asshole. Who’d have thunk it?

And yet it’s still better than when he wrote 10,000 words arguing that the quarterback having a cool name (determined retrospectively, of course) is essential for success.

The saving grace may be that the democrats are able to campaign nationally on republican support of moore. If franken and others did/do not resign, that becomes much harder. It won’t matter in alabama, but it really could matter in a few dozen districts.

Not if you’re tied for the lead!

Well that’s just plain wrong. The two tied for the lead had virtually no choice but to bet it all. (Except maybe the Tibet woman; her answer demonstrates such a lack of knowledge of geography that maybe she was better off betting nothing and hoping the person she was tied with would also get it wrong.)

This is totally incoherent:

If you think that Federer would have less than a 100% chance of winning (unless the 10% discount represents risk of injury), you are out of your mind.