
It is far more likely that Trump has tasted a Trump steak than that Martha has tasted these wines.

So apparently some people really must watch games for the announcers, or they wouldn’t be paid millions of dollars. Who are these people?

The “coach” thing kills me because of the Title of Nobility Clause.

It’s more than odd; it’s misogynistic and harmful to others. Why would or should any rational person tolerate that?

It’s clear you don’t endorse it, but I think the jackass you replied to does.

In theory, but books aren’t always balanced. And it’s much, much easier for a Vegas book to balance than a small time bookie, since Vegas books have a lot of action (both sharp and otherwise) and can move lines, whereas a small time bookie has less action, all of which comes from dumb money (which is correlated), and

34% of those polled either had never heard of Warren or had no opinion of her (which probably often means they hadn’t heard of her but were embarrassed to say so). As a result, I wouldn’t read too much into a poll that shows her losing an election four years from now to the current president.

Wait, seriously? He held a major rally premised on the fact that both parties sucked.

Even if you’ve never bought a stock, it should take about three seconds of thought to realize comparing share prices might make sense. It’s like thinking twix is twice the size of snickers because you get two bars instead of one.

I can’t believe you’re a smart, very successful grown man with a good job and a family and you don’t understand that comparing the prices per share of two different companies tells you exactly nothing.

If you’re calling Paul Ryan’s office, the person answering the phone is an asshole, so feel free to be one!

I’m sure he means a student on scholarship, since that’s sufficient compensation for them to do anything.

That’s exactly my point. The open market would be one without a salary cap, and he’d likely be making close to $100M/year. Since he can’t get that, he should try to force Gilbert to spend the excess $60M on other players.

Chris — way to crush that pussy, brah!

I spent too much time trying to figure this out this morning and here’s what I think happened.

Except he’s playing at a huge discount to what he’d be worth on the open market. Why not use that rent that goes to the owner to pay more luxury tax?

I respect LeBron for this. The salary cap/max contract size means he’s underpaid relative to what he’d get on the open market. It makes sense that he’d demand any team that sign him spend what they otherwise would’ve paid him on luxury tax.

I think the proper questions would be: “Why do you reject the consensus of relevant experts? Have you done research they don’t know about it? Are you just smarter?”

But it’s not funny! Anyone can just copy something that exists; that’s a lot easier than creating something new.

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