
i’ll go further and say if she stays healthy this year, she’ll be in the top ten by December. i was blown away by her game, Sabalenka played well - and got worked.

That 9/11 Jets tweet was something else, though. I feel like it deserved to win.

What, “TOO INSIDERY” wasn’t enough??

I expect police forces to use less resources on less important crime, allowing them to invest more resources on murders, thus reducing the amount of homicide cases assigned to each detective.

I’m confused about everyone saying this photo is evidence of sexual assault. It’s unprofessional, it’s unpleasant, I’d be furious too if I were her, and he absolutely should be grovelling for this. I’m not defending him in the least, and I don’t care at all if this wrecks his career. Them’s the breaks, jackass.

It’s more than just that. A huge reason why politics are so ugly these days is specifically the fault of their father and the people he employed. If these two write a book about wanting to bring civility back to politics and it’s not called “Fuck you, Dad” then it’s complete bullshit.

Pictured: Dustin Johnson, hitting a ball, surrounded by powder.

How does that sentence come across as an endorsement of that hypothetical behavior? I’m saying what I think could happen; I’m not at all supporting the Sens actually doing it. It would be ridiculous.

What’s especially cool about this is that Perez is only running for DNC chair because the more logical office for him to seek, Governor of Maryland, his home state, is considered by the Democratic establishment an “unwinnable” race because of the popularity of GOP governor Larry Hogan.

Love me some Jon Stewart, but he went in early on the “they’re not racist, you’ve got to understand them” line on the tea party that now I have to hear about Trump voters. Maybe he would have gotten as nuanced about white supremacy as he is about other things.

I can’t believe you’re a smart, very successful grown man with a good job and a family and you don’t understand that comparing the prices per share of two different companies tells you exactly nothing.

I totally agree but if you are interning for Paul Ryan, aren’t you kind of an asshole anyways?

I think your anger is going in the wrong direction. The researcher has the responsibility to present his research unvarnished by personal opinions. This is the attitude he gathered in his research, not his personal opinion. This guy has spent his life researching, writing about, and educating people about white

Dr. Cetojevic was also a nongraduate of the same university as Melania.

The Gang Gives Frank an Intervention being ranked 115 immediately invalidates the rest of this list.