
Actress Trace Lysette has accused Jeffrey Tambor of sexual harassment, for lack of a better word for what to call a man rubbing his boner on you.

Ms. Perrineau’s mother responded to that accusation by stating that they never made any demands for money.

So is NO ONE going to talk about how it’s pretty weird that Dunham and Konner were in Miller’s home watching this all go down?

If one is so comfortable with extorting and stealing sexual contact from women that they don’t even remember doing it, they don’t belong in office period.

You were an asshole who made people uncomfortable in college, FYI.

Groping. Is. Sexual. Assualt. Is it as bad as rape? No - the same way getting stabbed in the hand isn’t as bad as being stabbed in the jugular. It is still wrong and we’re fucking done putting up with it.

I’m a dude as well, but there isn’t a lot of rationalization to be done here. The part about writing a kiss into the sketch isn’t the issue - insisting that you have to rehearse it and forcefully kissing her without consent is the issue. And the photo is gross af because even if he didn’t actually grope her, he’s

Thank you for your counterpoints. I appreciate the discussion.

It’s a photo of the same man that pressured her into rehearsing a kiss, while they were alone, after her repeated refusals, and then stuck his tongue down her throat. He ignored her refusals and continued to sexualize her while she was unconscious.

It’s more than the photo though. The article is pretty clear on that.

I’m already sick of the apologists claiming “It was a JOKE! He was on SNL!” like that makes it ok.

The whole thread shows that the person misunderstands courts, law and evidence while touting the necessity of a criminal standard in everyday decision-making. It’s an insane way of moving through life. His standard would require him to disbelieve his child if the child claimed to be molested, because no court case has

that the criminal justice system doesn’t work for acquaintance rape

This is a fantastic comment and I hope it gets ungreyed.

It saddened me to see so many people commenting in the other story that they don’t believe Takei’s accuser, even when they believe accusers in other cases.

The lawyer and pedant in me LOVES to point out that HER STATEMENT IS FUCKING EVIDENCE.

You should probably do us all a favor and just not talk to women until you can figure it out then.

In the end investigators found Dylan had been coached by Mia.

I believe Dylan. And Woody can rot in hell.

Ahem, everyone knows how Meredith was murdered and who did it. She was raped and murdered by Rudy Guede. Did you miss that part?