
Do they make things all better? It’s interesting to me how you think there’s some sort of window of opportunity for telling a story. You didn’t have the strength and courage to take down your powerful abuser immediately after he raped you? Well that’s it then for all eternity!

Consequences should absolutely be tailored to the offense. I think the police should open an investigation into Matt Lauer’s conduct and determine whether he can be prosecuted for rape. I don’t think any charges should be brought against Franken. Representing your state in the Senate is a high honor, and only people

I got a comment yesterday saying it was a right-wing conspiracy to bring Franken down. Sorry boo, but nope. Occam’s Razor says Franken is a creepy dude who does creepy things when he’s standing near women. I think the real lesson of these last few years is “never have heroes.”

Even worse are the folks who keep going on about how all of these allegations are a part of a right wing conspiracy to bring Franken down. They have no self-awareness about the fact that they sound exactly like the Roy Moore loyalists in Alabama who think Moore is being smeared b the liberal media or by Mitch

“I want my name associated with my own accomplishments,” she told us, “and not publicly linked to a man’s bad behavior.”

I got so many comments pushing back hard against my “he should go” stance when this first came out. Like, people claimed it was the Left Eating Itself or that it was “just a joke” or too small to justify resignation, and it was really infuriating.

I don’t know why the party is going to bat for him. Even putting ethics aside, it’s clear this is going to be an ongoing distraction as woman after woman comes forward with a new story. The party can’t force him to resign, but if they have any pressure to convince him, they should do so. The country is a mess, and the

Im so mad at the people on this site who defended him when the uso incident was reported. He shpuld have been forced put then. The dems have lost the moral high ground by not immediately disposing of Franken and Conyers like nbc did when the accusations against Lauer were about to drop.

He needs to go. I don’t care if this was during his “showbiz” phase, pre- upstanding senator. He was a grown ass man who should have had more respect for women. He’s just as gross as the rest of them, he needs to go.

This is everything. But poor Marcia, she just wants to belong.

Why is this so hard for some people? Certain words, as a white person, I don’t have the right to say. I just don’t. It has to do with 100s of years of shit that I am not a part of, and that’s part of the legacy. I am not allowed to say that word. The only time I would ever be allowed to say that word would be if I

Fairness has nothing to do with it. On the spectrum of “things that are definitely not fair”, POC have A WHOLE LOT BIGGER grievances than “can’t say a specific word” that they have to reckon with every day. Another thing Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed out, is the cultural phenomenon of black people having to police

A black person shouldn’t have to police him or herself over songwriting lyrics to make it easier for us white people to consume their music. We should be able to accommodate them when it comes to this word. As should everyone in the world.

It’s not really weird or complicated. My (white) teenagers now listen to a lot of rap and they sing along to it. A few months ago, I was like: “I just want to double-check: you guys don’t sing the n-word, right?” And one kid was like “of course not, why would we?” And the other was like, “I just skip the whole line

Seriously. I just...don’t. I replace words depending on the context or don’t sing one word. It literally means nothing to me that I don’t sing a specific word and it means a lot to someone else so the math is pretty easy there.

Agree. I’m not sure why this is so hard? I listen to a lot of older rap and hippity hop (because, well, I’m old) and I just don’t say the word. Even alone in my car. And no, I’m not looking for a gold star here. It just makes me uncomfortable to say it. Period. Not just in front of other people.

Garrison Keillor Fired for ‘Inappropriate Behavior’ 1 Day After Defending Al Franken

Dudes. Bros. Gentlemen. And some Ladies*. Please. Stop trying to “defend” or “support” Al Franken. He admitted to it and apologized, and is now attempting to make up for it. Every time one of you come out calling what happened “absurd” or “ridiculous” you’re making him look worse. If you actually want to help, shut

So NBC News spiking Ronan Farrow’s Weinstein story starts to make a lot more sense....

Well he didn’t grope those 36 women, which is a higher number than 4, so he must be a good guy.