
Hey guess what, when you someone forcibly makes you a rape victim it’s not actually somehow then your responsibility to give up whatever slight peace of mind you have left to take that person down, while (1) destroying your reputation, (2) being blamed for the whole things and told you were asking for it, and (3)

I mean, (a) it wasn’t invalid at the time but (b) if she can get the person on the other side to pay more money for a clause that isn’t even valid (which they’d know if they did their research), that’s not a bad thing. Like if you negotiate that your employer will pay you more for having a non-compete in your contract

Yeah that’s a shitty thing to put on your DD. Your DD’s job is to be a safe ride home, not to keep you from getting black-out drunk or from making poor decisions while black-out drunk. It’s on you to control your drinking.

Little confused since I didn’t say anything about Moore, but I agree they’re not the same and that it’s time for Franken to resign.

The responses to Franken’s accusers from some democrats have made me better understand how so many women, including sexual assault survivors, could have supported Trump.

That expectation is still very real in a lot of firms.

I am not going to tell someone that their reclamation of a word previously (and still) used to demean them and treat them as less-than is unnecessary. I don’t know how they feel about it, I don’t know if they feel power using, I have no fucking clue and it’s none of my business. All I need to know is that it would

Strong disagree. I believe Ta-Nehisi Coates pointed this out recently. It is really really easy to not sing along to that word. Like super easy. While black people have to constantly police what they say at the risk of being seen as angry or hostile or whatever.

Uhhh lots of people take photos without cupping someone’s ass. That’s not awkward hand placement, it is super easy to reliably put your hand on someone’s shoulder or back or to not even touch them.

“There’s a lot worse sexism out there” is a shit reason for some who doesn’t consistently treat women like people to remain in the Senate.

Because “consistently treats women like people and not objects to be used for sexual gratification” is a pretty fuckin’ low bar for being a Senator and Franken can’t meet it.

The “jumping on board” theory here is pretty much destroyed by the fact that Franken’s third accuser posted on her facebook about having been groped by Franken on October 12, a week after the Weinstein story broke and well before Tweeden’s story went public.

And, let’s be frank, if her heart is in the right place, she usually hasn’t arisen to a position of power.

I mean, he went to college when he was eleven years old, started Yale Law School when he was 16, and then became a Rhodes scholar. It would be an odd time for him to suddenly stop trying and fall back on his fame and connections.

Wow your comments on here are something else.

Thank you, and I’m so sorry it happened to you too.

Has anyone filed a police report for rape long after the fact? Do you regret it?

I don’t care for Lena Dunham but that’s not even close to what happened. She said she looked at her sister’s vagina when she (Lena) was seven years old and her sister was one. Her sister was awake at the time and she called over her mother.

And even if lawyers had contacted them about potentially filing a civil suit seeking damages, it wouldn’t mean anything. It’s totally normal for rape victims to seek justice in civil cases instead of criminal because the burden of proof in criminal cases is so much higher and so difficult to meet in acquaintance rape

I think that you’re ignoring that your brother is the exception, not the rule. Most people don’t walk around telling lies about horrific things happening to them. That you know a single person that does doesn’t change the rule that it’s relatively uncommon.