
I have tried to explain (mainly to male partners) the spiral of “might as well say yes in case he won’t hear my no” and “well, the worst has already happened, so why not jump into x bad situation”. It’s something that’s hard to wrap your head around unless your head has been in that space.

I had consensual sex with my rapist the night after he raped me. I was dating him at the time, and wanted to make it all okay. Somehow, in my mind, having consensual sex would retroactively “fix” the assault. It didn’t, and he dumped me via text message the next morning. I am super open about my rape, but very few

“It’s NOT PTSD if you got over it in six months.” If you’re not this guy’s doctor or therapist, you can sit yourself right down. You know nothing at all about his case.

I was a responding witness in a sexual harassment case involving elected officials, one that was in the newspapers for months and months. I was evaluated by several drs and people in the field of sexual assault counseling, and everyone agreed I had PTSD. (For one thing, I couldn’t leave the house for a couple of

Pretty sure it wasn’t PTSD...pretty sure it was being pissed off at missing a chance to hold Spacey up for some real money (i.e. - pay me or I’ll squeal)!

She’s afraid, and she doesn’t owe to anybody to confront that on anything but her own schedule.

It really got to me when Witherspoon said that she’s felt less alone in her career this past week then ever before.

How can you be so dense as to not undestand that it can be. I’m a black male adult, would you probably think twice about referring to me as “boy”? Because I hope you would, as I’d find it offensive.

don’t be a dipshit. the only time it makes sense to use the word “boys” to describe adults is as in “all my boys” (i.e. friends). the way portnoy is saying girls is obviously condescending.

I’m not a plantation overseer in 1830 South Carolina, so no.

Little tip, Mr Portnoy. If you don’t want to look like a mysogynist, don’t call your female employees “girls.”

Elika is not an employee. If they want to refer to their staff as boys and girls, fine, whatever, they are a loathsome company. But when referring to another adult, use woman. It’s not hard.

She is a woman, not a girl. Fuck this loathsome company.

He sounds like one because he is one.

Seriously, this guy sounds like a massive douche bag.

“She redacted our name, but everyone knows, because she kind of has a big mouth, that we offered her the contract. And she wanted everybody to know that, like, she turned us down. Thank friggin’ God, because it would have been a nightmare working with this girl.”


I know a lot of people are posting variations of “It’s Too Soon!”. I’ve never been in this situation, but here is what I have gathered from those that have been.

You can honor a marriage while participating in all the benefits of having a committed partnership. How does loneliness honor a spouse that is no longer living?

Depends on whether you consider “common” and “normal” to be the same thing.