
Racism > emails

Asking women to stop their misogyny (which is often a tactic to ingratiate themselves to the oppressors) instead of asking men to stop their misogyny gets it backwards. Women wouldn’t need to be misogynistic if men didn’t hate women. I will defend every woman against gendered attacks because it defends us all.

Except how does that answer the most pertinent question - why is transparency necessary in a private employment action? There is nno criminal or civil case against him at present. If a wrong has been committed against him in the course of proceedings, that recourse belongs to him alone. Why should a private employment

Well God bless Wikileaks and the Russians. We got rid of that pant suit wearing devil Killary Clinton. She had an email server and she didn’t use her psychic abilities to stop the Benghazi attacks. The Lord works in mysterious ways. May the the good Lord’s favor shine on our saint of the common man Donald J. Trump.

Silver constantly warned that this election was different given the volatility in the polls and the large amount of undecided voters. He also warned that there was a significant possibility that Trump would win the Electoral College, but would lose the popular vote. Nate Cohn at the Upshot, however, was completely

Honestly, this past week my period was *super* late and I have not been *super* good with my pill...I started planning when I would get a test, whether to visit my doctor before going to Planned Parenthood, what method would be cheapest but also allow minimal healing time.

What kind of mushy response is this shit?

It’s really nice to hear privileged people acknowledge and own their privilege, and make an effort to see things from other, less privileged viewpoints.


I’ve seen people posting today about how the electoral college doesn’t officially submit their votes until mid-December, and how in some states, there’s apparently only a fine as punishment for the state’s electoral delegates voting contrary to the results. In other states it’s completely illegal (like mine). Any

The fact that this election has everyone pretty much holding their breath really says something. This is the first real time I’ve really felt the results actually meant something. I’ve always viewed the POTUS as a talking head, no real power when they can be so easily strung up by the rest of the government refusing

It’s gonna be a long day. C’mon, bring it in...

I don’t know why I watched that video. It’s all fun and horrifying games until that snake loses its grip (do snakes have grips?) and drops down towards the passengers. All the NOPES in the sky.


Second this. I also take D-mannose because I kept getting UTIs after sex but also out of nowhere for no reason. My urologist told me D-mannose isn’t really backed by any studies and gave me a pack of cranberry pills (which, after reading this article... ha!) and preventative macrobid to take after sex, which I do, but

I just saw your post! I am happy to find someone else who uses it. I think that once you’ve had a few UTIs you kind of know when they’re coming and that probably helps fight them off because you can start drinking water right away. And I agree, you should go to a doctor, I never give it more than 2 days before I go

I just posted this for someone else, but have you ever tried D-Mannose? I’m probably going to have someone tell me it’s bogus, but I stand by it!!! I used to get a UTI every month for a long time, and I was finally able to break the cycle with this stuff. It doesn’t work for every type of bacteria, so I have had a

In college I used to get UTI’s every month with my period for a long time. I would clear one up and turn around and get another one. I found a doctor who said that the antibiotics weren’t 100 % effective in my case and recommended D-Mannose. As I remember her explaining it, it mimics the lining of your bladder, the

You have to, at the very least, disclose it in the questionnaire if asked. All sexual assault cases will ask if you or a close family member have ever been a victim or convicted of sexual assault. Important to note here, the jury foreman was a man, not a woman.

That’s because they’ve never heard my Hitler cover band, The Reich Stuff.