
He was sentenced to ten years in prison, with eight of them suspended.

I’m grading an exam for my Civil War class and so so many of my students are misgendering Faust when discussing her article about Civil War deaths. On the one hand, gender is a construct, so why make a big deal and correct them? On the the other hand, I was at Harvard when she was inaugurated & attended the ceremony

Oh my god, bless your heart you little shriveled racist.

What planet do you inhabit where boys* publish numerical livestock evaluations and detailed descriptions of the “fuckability” of their sports teammates in a crowd-sourced document?

You’re right, I shouldn’t be so cynical. If the football team did this the school would probably be willing to cancel the soccer season if they thought it would help.

And yet still, nobody believes rape culture exists on college campuses.

Uh, if the women started playing at age 5 (like my kids) and are 22-23 years old as seniors, then yes, they have played for 18 years. Math is hard.

I know. Gee, I wonder what it is about Beyonce that’s so different and just really, really bothers the small-minded pansies in middle America. Hmm, what could it be? Any thoughts?

Stay in your lane? Jesus, you’re like kryptonite to anything cool and interesting. Is something innovative that fucking scary to you? Art must just totally confound you.

The CMAs have invited a non-country artist every year for the past several to perform. Last year was Justin Timberlake, most assuredly not a country artist. No one had a problem with that, curiously.

Okay, sure, you’re sitting around with a few of your friends, drinking, and you say something like “Which one do you think is hotter?” and your friend replies “I like the one with the big boobs” and then you say “Really? I think the one with the long hair is hotter.” Pretty standard guy stuff, especially if there are

Too late, jerks, I already voted.

I give major side eye to people who groan about how they wish they were voting for Biden instead of Clinton because “reasons”. Biden would have had major issues as a candidate and not only because of how he treated Anita Hill but also the plagiarism and all the video and photo evidence of how hands-y he is with women.

Poor puppy.

I made a lot of jokes after my rape. It was how I got through it. You can’t constantly stare something so traumatic in the face without trying to distance yourself on certain levels. It’s how you get by without crumbling.

That is amazing. Not quite David S. Pumpkins level of amazing, but amazing nonetheless!

When I was about 22 ish (back when the Loch Ness monster was just a tadpole) a 60ish man put his hand down my skirt and squeezed my ass at a charity function. My then boyfriend tried to make me tell someone, but all I wanted to do was leave.

Nick Miller would have been better

To me, whether or not you give him a second change would depend a lot on the nature of the breakup. Why did you break up, and how did he treat you at the time? If he dumped you because he felt too young to be in such a serious relationship, and was honest and gentle about it, and your heartbreak was understandable