
I’m experiencing similar feelings. Everything about this last week has been so upsetting for so many people, it’s almost crazy to think that this is the life we’re all living.

I pray he’s punished fir his horrible actions. Sending a big hug and wishes for good fortune your way.

Gloria indeed found the real deal; someone he can’t deny knowing. This is not only groping, harassment, and unwanted sexual attention - but also hiring and workplace discrimination.

I get where you’re coming from, and you’ve got all my sympathy.

First, I’m so sorry that happened to you. You didn’t deserve it, and it’s utter bullshit that someone ever thought they had the right to do it - either time.

She was also closer to the White House than Trump will ever be because she was on The West Wing.

Well done and good luck. May the force be with you.

Godspeed Ruby.

Here for you, and I’m proud of you. <3

Playing my rape victim card: I’ve been raped by a stranger in an alley. I’ve also had my boob grabbed by a guy in an elevator who was trying to hit on me, and a guy in a meeting touch my leg under the table, and a crazy homeless guy grab my crotch. I’m never going to tell you that being raped was better than those

Me too, and reading about Kelly Oxford’s tweet that got thousands of women telling their assault stories. I’ve been remembering and revisiting all the times in my life some piece of shit thought he had a right to touch me without my consent. A stranger on the bus, a professor, a boss, a male babysitter. This

Ya’ll, I am having a hard time tonight. It wasn’t until earlier today that my brain finally let me realize that what Trump bragged about doing on the tape is exactly what happened to me when I was sexually assaulted. And now all these women are coming forward, and now I just can’t stop thinking about it and crying.

For anyone else overwhelmed by all that’s going on right now.

Have a couple more:

I’m pleasantly surprised to hear that my laziness is now fashionable. Next up: getting Vogue to talk up the stylishness of wrinkled shirts, because fuck ironing.

The right to a college education is not guaranteed by the Constitution.

Law school’s “professional ethics” was a bit of a joke, to say nothing of being a contradiction in terms: ethos translates from ancient Greek as “way of life”.

The date of her invalid year needs changing, unless she was 115 when she became an invalid, which if that’s the case, I don’t really blame her for not getting out much.

There was an event on campus last night (I’m a graduate, and have been keeping up through our school newspaper and alumni Facebook group) where the other administrators said Fabian couldn’t have said that because “we know him” I can't fucking believe them.