
I hope at the end of the game you reach the center of the galaxy, and it’s just a woman at a desk, tallying up how much rent you owe for the hours you’ve spent inhabiting her sky.

Why is he her responsibility? Just yesterday I read an article on Gawker or one of these sites about smarm, and frankly, degrading her feminism because this dude pops off at the mouth is pretty smarmy by making this not about this dude popping off at the mouth, but about her value as a feminist.

I want to reply but I literally have no idea what to say. I’m hella impressed b/c — damn! — speaking up, standing up like that is more gumption than I think I could ever muster and also, like, seriously, this asshole’s cognitive dissonance is still in full effect?!

Hold up, are we in a court of law? Am I a judge? A member of a jury? A lawyer?

Yes, there are definitely some specific crimes that can’t be prosecuted if you’re too intoxicated to form the requisite intent. It’s called the “intoxication defense” and it applies only to crimes requiring what’s known as “specific intent” to do something.

Thank you, Stassa.

“She said that the office declined to prosecute because her attacker was “drunk and they ‘can’t prove’ he knew I wasn’t consenting.””

She said that the office declined to prosecute because her attacker was “drunk and they ‘can’t prove’ he knew I wasn’t consenting.”

I remember when Joe Biden said that Giuliani needed three parts to a sentence - a noun, a verb, and 9/11.

Most people here don’t seem angry at the concept of a plea deal, generally. Instead, it’s the particular deal offered in this case that’s so egregious. The deal could have included prison time, registry on a sex offender list, one or the other, or both, etc. The tennis coach, school principal, school board members,

Well, but honestly, so what?

side note, but who else totally forget that paul rudd was paris?!



lol did you sit around crying to “I’m Kissing You” for hours like I did

This post hurts me.

I just say “’s Wonderwall” and I start singing with all my heart.

You shouldn’t treat it like a place where sexual assault is a-okay, either. You really are very very concerned about the rights about the people who might get accused of wrongdoing, but seem to give no fucks about people who are wronged. Screw them, amirite?

This is about an assault, not a look or a smile. Please keep up, and don’t try to minimize.