
[citation needed]

The DNC is not the government, it is a private organization run by a combination of full-time staff and volunteers. Delegates also are volunteers, not employees and not staff. They can have whatever processes they wish to handle such incidents, they do not have to resemble a criminal trial, and they certainly do not

Well, in my case there was an eyewitness at the bar and more witnesses to my response, which absolutely should have been enough to get him booted. I suspect there would also have been video footage, but the hotel never bothered to look because the police never bothered to ask.

You have a policy that specifically lays out procedures to follow in the event of an allegation that providers for prompt investigation and adjudication of that allegation and clearly spells out potential penalties so that when people are confronted with a situation like this, they know exactly what to do.

The electorate also elects alternate delegates to fill in when floor delegates—for whatever reason—are unable to fulfill their duties. So another delegate (representing the same candidate) could have easily acted as a substitute.

This has nothing to do with Calvin Harris. This has nothing to do with Ed Sheeran. But it has everything to do with my first night out of the grays, and trying to prove a point to my MiL. Matt Dillon in the 1980's and 1990's was fine as hell. Any dissenters?

This is too much. This has really, really gone too far.

Wait- her cousin is in the Olympics?? How cool is that ?!!?

“If you come at the (Lilly)King

Sadly, the only thing surprising about this story is that Harris and Callaway were actually suspended and barred from campus as a result of the complaint.

Just finished reading the post. Did I miss the Olympics?

I assume less sex because Millenials have a healthy fear of pregnancy and the associated costs of either continuing it or ending it and we don't have any extra money, what with those loans and underemployment and all.

The photo above is also dated a week before the pageant, though Gravitt shared it as proof that she used a vendor the night she was crowned.

You would think Anastasia Romanov would oppose taking out-dated institutions out back and shooting them!

Ok fuck pagents but that's actually kind of messed up that she was denied her win because of a photo posted before the pageant being used as evidence for something during the pageant.

And yet Miss Teen America loves to use racial slurs, but she will keep her crown.


Not true. Sometimes they order Chinese from that pancake place.