
I spent a full two Mr. Robot episodes going WHERE HAVE I SEEN THAT DUDE before finally realizing he was in Gilmore Girls. I’ve watched GG FAR too many times when a character who literally had two lines in one episode was that easy to call up.

Maybe he’s an immature jackass? Closeted? Respects her talent and success? Digs her dance skills? Finds her attractive? Is a secretly huge fan living out a fantasy? Riding her coattails to boost his career? They share a niche fetish?

Was it just me, or did she look/sound a little emotional when she said the line about her daughters being able to take for granted that a woman could be president? I don’t know why, but I wasn’t expecting that from her. Not because I don’t think Michelle would care about big milestones in women’s achievement, but just

He looks like one of those guys who screws like he’s doing the most, but he’s okay, but not the greatest. But he’s nice, so you let him finish, and he turns and smiles at you. And you smile back. And you know you won’t completely cut him off, you’ll text him back because he loves pleasing you and your areas and his

many of which implied that the DNC not only clearly supported Clinton, but that action was taken to derail Sanders’ campaign

“Judge Elizabeth Branch, who authored the opinion.” The story here is that the legislature is incompetent at writing laws. Don’t blame the judges for having to work within the democratic system.

Judges can’t do that.

Used their shoes? Their rubber insoles might give them some protection. Might have to do a bit of kicking, but when a quick response is needed it could work.

There was a good guy with a liscenced open carry 2x4?

Wait... can this also mean that we can criticize corrupt policing cultures, but still think that individual police officers can do good things sometimes?

I went through last night and tried to report as I could, and of course I sent Leslie some love via tweet. But my god. My fucking god.

I suspect she kept quiet because she’s well aware of the legal issues here (she’s an ex-lawyer and litigator, remember). She knows if she’s got pertinent testimony to deliver against him, barking in public just gives him ammunition to undermine her when it matters. Better to save it for the other lawyers when they

I feel like there’s a huge fucking difference between having a conversation with multiple people and having a conversation with multiple people that is recorded and then shared WITH THE REST OF THE GOD DAMN WORLD.

Death threats are wrong but you TOTALLY ASKED FOR IT.

I don’t get why we’re still putting up with being referred to as “bitches” by male musicians and rappers. (The only point I’m siding with Swiftie on, because ugh! on her)

This is not her native language, she’s not used to public speaking, and it was broadcast internationally. Give her a break.

You’re doing the lord’s work, honey.