
Naw, I think it’s a great slogan for people like my mom (a staunch Republican who HAAAAAATES Trump) and celebrities give it visibility.

This has been, hands down, the best celebrity scandal since Solange kicked Jaz-Z.

Saw it. Loved it. Kate McKinnon is a treasure.

I loved loved loved it. Mr. Slayer called it “the second best Ghostbusters movie,” which is a huge endorsement as the original is his favorite* and he loves the second one, too.

I saw it and it was so fun and everyone should go see it kbye

You have no idea how happy that detail made me.


She didn’t record that in California, did she? Because um ... hmm ... I hope she had Taylor’s permission to record.

Oh her?

Nicely played.

It’s still ILLEGAL, regardless of whether it was a private conversation.

I completely understand why violating a person’s privacy in a space where they can expect not to be photographed nude for a personal conversation is OK. It’s for the lulz.

Even if she did, they’re divorcing and it belonged to her dead father. Have some fucking class and give it back.

Indeed how dare these women be successful and rich and unapologetic about it. I’m sure Taylor cries herself to sleep every night in her parade of beautiful boyfriends arms. Also how dare she have so many famous boyfriends and write songs inspired by her personal life like every other singer has always done.

He's one of the major pin-up boys for nerdy girls, so I suspect a few of them have projected their own dating/attraction securities like whoa, and feel like they do when the nerdy boy they're into picks the popular cheerleader instead when they thought he was better and deeper than that.

I know, right? She’s cute, a disciplined and dedicated worker at her craft, seems to be a savvy businesswoman and is kind of goofy. He’s cute, a dedicated practitioner of his craft and kind of goofy.

The way people hate her at this point kinda disturbs me. Like the first comment to you calling her a ‘victim.’ ...but you never said that. The people who hate her assume the people who like her are all insane fans controlled by her media team. I just see a young, wealthy girl getting it. Like I have a really hard time

I really feel like people WANT there to be something about her legitimately worthy of not liking her for. Regardless of whether or not everything about her is “strategically staged” like so many commenters here are saying, people are constantly waiting and hoping for her to mess up. It’s a really good representation

Yeah I’m actually floored that people hate her so much. If I was 25 and a multi-millionaire I’d be all over the hottest dudes and throwing the best parties for my squad. Every celebrity in pop culture is carefully crafted and cultivated. Jennifer Lawrence gets away with it because her image is crafted to be “just like