
I think a lot of folks are right that it comes down to other issues, but let’s not forget that when you’ve been abused, it’s a lot easier to normalize your abuse, and therefore see others’ abusive experiences as normal.

Lol whut? Of course self-serving affidavits and victim testimony are considered evidence in federal court. Party affidavits are regularly considered sufficient to create a genuine issue of material fact sufficient to deny summary judgment motions, so I’m not sure where you’re getting the idea that they’re not

Yes, in my experience it’s much more likely to be someone you know already, and often a relationship or interaction that started out consensual.

Not necessarily. Narcissism magnifies the odds that someone will commit rape or sexual assault but lots of non-narcissists rape. You can be an otherwise well-adjusted person who once or multiple times prioritizes your own orgasm over the agency of the person who you’re fucking but who wants you to stop.

Actually studies suggest a fair number of men only rape once or twice and then stop. Others are serial offenders. There was a piece in the NY times about it a few days ago.

The not believing until woman 4 thing is so infuriating because it’s easy to write off if only one woman comes forward, even though some men do only do it once or twice and stop. It’s just impossible to know if it’s a case where they only did it once or a few times or a case where everyone else is just too scared to

He’s said himself that he was assigned to the story when asked if he was pursuing it because of his sister’s assault.

You stated an untruth, accusing a sexual assault victim of having been found to have been coached by her mother and possibly her mother making it up, without bothering to research it even though it is very, very easy to find the court decisions that show that you’re wrong. An appellate panel of three judges found the

Accurate. Or “well should we really complain about sexism here? Look at how women are treated in Saudi Arabia!!!!”

I don’t get why you keep saying he wrote misogynistic stuff in the 90s and ignoring that he was still writing misogynstic stuff in 2009. A guy who’s been profiting from misogyny for 2/3rds of his career doesn’t “redeem himself” by writing about non-gendered political stuff for a few years.

He was still publishing horrifyingly misogynistic drivel when he was 39. This isn’t some phase he went through in his twenties. Sorry that you’re struggling so much with finding out one of your faves is super problematic.

Thanks for posting, it’s the one I was originally searching for but couldn’t find!

Sending megahugs. It took me the better part of a year to really believe my therapist when she told me that having consensual sex with my rapist even after he raped me was “common and normal,” but I still can’t quite shake the shame I feel about it. I know I was in denial about the emotional aspects of the rape, I

Weinstein didn’t get away with it because actresses didn’t speak out, he got away with it because powerful institutions and individuals enabled him. It is not on victims to sacrifice their careers and reputations in a fruitless bid to be believed just because they were unfortunate enough to be harassed or assaulted.

After the fucked up the Jess spin-off, the Windward Circle, that never got off the ground because they wanted to shoot it at Venice Beach.

Gotcha. Thanks for responding!