
Question - am also a lawyer but don’t know anything about immigration, and have an acquaintance who has been asking me questions because he is undocumented. Does this mean now is a time for him to just sit tight until we see what happens instead of trying to do something about his status?

The electoral college was set up exactly for this purpose - to have a fail safe for keeping factions who elect someone dangerous to the republic who wants to violate the rights of citizens from succeeding. HRC won the popular vote, so it’s hardly undemocratic for the electoral college to do what they were set up to

The electoral college is cray!

I worked straight through dinner last night till finally finishing a work project at 11:30 PM that actually wasn’t due to my boss until 5 PM today because I knew I’d be far too much of a disaster to accomplish anything today.

Yeah no, that video’s cool, and it’s not like I planned to take a plane anywhere ever again anyway.

Wow okay so I actually have a UTI right now that’s a recurrence of one I had a couple weeks ago, and I’ve seen a few people mention urethral dilation. This is a real thing? Does it hurt like hell?

I do the same, and it usually works. As I said elsewhere on the thread though, I don’t know if the d-mannose does anything or if it’s just that I take it with insane amounts of water that flush things out and fix me up anyway.

Yeah, I swear by D-Mannose and when I get intense about it at the first sign of infection it always works. But I don’t know if it’s the D-mannose working or that the insane amounts of fluids I drink with it just flushes everything out anyway or what.

I think they drank a lot of water and probably some vinegar or something and it either went away or became a kidney infection and they died.

It bums me out that most of the time they might as well not open themselves up to that scrutiny and misery because nothing will happen.

And he supported a constitutional amendment to overturn Roe v. Wade! And he still supports the Hyde Amendment! And he was a much more enthusiastic supporter of the Iraq war than Hillary was!

Yeah, I find them about equally enraging. Landlord had a heightened duty of care to the resident to protect her by having building security, and utterly failed in that regard. Assaulter had no duty to protect her or make her safe, just a duty not to do her harm, and utterly failed in that regard. The event would

If you read what the judge has said in his email to the AP, the letters from the victim’s mother and grandmother asking for the rapist’s release to spend time with his sons were part of how he arrived at the sentence, so it’s not totally misleading.

Yes, they test for more than semen, and even then often there’s no DNA found if the suspect wore a condom. In this case they did find his DNA on her, so I’m really not sure where you’re getting that there was “zero evidence they had contact” - that’s blatantly false.

They did pull his DNA from her, just not in the genital region, which is common when a rapist wears a condom.

What? She had his DNA on her body and under her fingernails. She just didn’t have it on her genitals, which is very common because rapists wear condoms in the majority of acquaintance rape situations.

Honestly, I feel like the most important thing to do is just to remember them whenever you’re talking to friends about similar topics. Don’t ever assume that none of the people you’re talking to has been sexual assaulted or raped, because particularly if there are women in the group, chances are very high that one or

You are not alone at all in that. I am also struggling with the constant barrage of news, and it’s frustrating because it’s making me question whether I’m in as good a place with everything that happened as I thought, even though it’s totally normal for this kind of stuff to make me vulnerable regardless of how at

I’m so sorry that happened to you. And I don’t think there’s really a way to rank the awfulness of various types of sexual assaults because the person and the timing determines so much.