
Still TBD.

This is so dead on. Just a month or so ago I finally told my employer about a more senior colleague raping me several years ago, partially because he’s now being given increasing managerial powers and is supervising women. My family couldn’t understand why I would put myself at risk by telling them, but so much of

I wish I could thank each of these women personally. I know how hard it is to do in a situation that’s relatively private, and can’t even imagine how much that difficulty and pain is compounded when the entire world knows about it.

Yeah, I'm sure the written responses that are almost certainly drafted by legal counsel are great indications of what he would and wouldn't say off the cuff.

Ohhh man now I’m wondering if that’s why I grew up with Scott too. Super old house with terrible pipes.

Ohhh man now I’m wondering if that’s why I grew up with Scott too. Super old house with terrible pipes.

My mind is blown! Up until this thread I thought that only dudes liked thick ones like charmin and assumed it was because they didn’t have to wipe after number 1, because I find all of the soft ones to be linty and run out quickly. Like all of my lady friends use Scott and all my male friends use charmin or

My mind is blown! Up until this thread I thought that only dudes liked thick ones like charmin and assumed it was

But since single ply is in most offices and schools and dorms shouldn’t everyone be callused already? So maybe it’s a technique thing.

But since single ply is in most offices and schools and dorms shouldn’t everyone be callused already? So maybe it’s

I don’t understand! I have been using Scott 1000 for my entire life and have not experienced this whole clings-to-vulva problem. Do I use it differently from everyone else?

I don’t understand! I have been using Scott 1000 for my entire life and have not experienced this whole

What would be the basis for invalidating the contract term? It’s the same as providing a bonus if the coach gets through the season without a player being indicted. Can’t think of any grounds on which that would be held unenforceable. It’s certainly not unconscionable, particularly given that the coach would have a

How on earth would it be illegal as a newly-negotiated contract term? The coach doesn’t have to take the job.

Have the Joseph Altuzarra one. Would buy again.

Doesn’t really matter if it’s a basic tenet of law though since the school can put whatever they want in the coach’s contract and he or she can take it or leave it. Nothing stopping the school from inserting contract terms that penalize or reduce pay significantly if a player is indicted or something.

Yeeeeeah I saw it, not knowing that it would have this. Was super glad the guy I saw it with was someone I’d already told about my history with rape. He asked if we should leave and I said no but let me know when that topic is no longer being covered and just covered my eyes/ears until he gave the okay.

Seriously, I was in your position many times in college and would just eat granola bars in my room, which seems odd to me in retrospect because now I’m the type of person who enjoys going out to restaurants and eating dinner alone. But dang, school was soooo socially scary, and it’s so easy to avoid those things when


I mean, OP’s employer clearly thinks she’s competent if they gave her exceeds expectations and a bunch of accolades. They may not focus on retention, but if they don’t then they probably are too oblivious to care whether she’s interviewing elsewhere or not anyway.

At-will employment sucks if you’re not particularly good at your job and it’s easy to find someone equally competent for less and doesn’t cost much to train them. This comment was about someone who sounds like she’s crushing it at her job and is relied upon such that it might take more than one full-time employee to

Right. I mean, if you’re in the private sector and they can easily find someone who will do your job as well as you will for less than you will without significant training, then you really aren’t in a position to be seeking a raise.

Right, which is why you put it in their heads that they might have to work to retain you instead of actually telling them you’re looking elsewhere or getting another offer and expecting them to counter. The idea is to make them wonder, not to play them off of someone else and then stay, because that’s never a good

Yes, and generally if your current employer is bidding for you against someone else you want to leave anyway because they’ll view you as disloyal and start looking for someone to take your place even if you stay. But straight up asking your employer to bid for you is different from reminding your employer that your