
It’s a really, really odd choice. I assume that men do it because they erroneously assume a woman will be as insulted by being called bald as men are.

You sound like an eminently reasonable and lovely person! I feel quite confident that your bridesmaids appreciated it immensely.

I just mean that I think it’s shortsighted to blame the people who do the job instead of the society that creates demand for the product created by the job.

The fact that magazines pay money for the pictures and people pay money for the magazines shows that we as a society value it.

People do lots of jobs that actively make the lives of other people worse because those jobs often pay more. People work for insurance companies. People work for debt collectors. It’s great if you have other options that pay just as much, but not everyone does.

Right, but I guess my question is how can nonprofits or the federal government force those things? You can’t force hospitals in other areas to refuse to accept Texas-educated doctors. Such changes would have to come about through either private funding (something like student loan repayment, likely) or public

That totally makes sense. I’m just wondering what can be done to fix the dearth of doctors who provide such services in certain areas.

I don’t think they’re available. That’s why I’m asking whether, if they were available, they would be likely to have an effect, or whether other aspects of studying medicine would still stand in the way.

Probably the same way everyone else who has to do a job they don’t like to put food on the table sleeps at night.

...I did not realize that it was China China until I read this comment. Sigh.

Yes, I totally, totally understand all of that. I guess my question is if there were grants or somesuch that provided significant financial incentives to pursue training in abortion services and then provide abortion services (such as, hey, we’ll pay 100% of your student loans and cost of living while you’re receiving

Thanks for the info! Do you know if the same holds true post-residency? (Feel free to ignore this, I appreciate your time but could probably research this on my own, just figured I’d ask since you might know off the top of your head.)

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it!

I can’t weigh in because I know nothing about this, but is the training available (even out of state) if people seek it out? As in, if we created a private financial incentive for doctors who perform abortions (perhaps assistance with students loans) would it be within med students/residents control to go out and get

You do understand that basic science dictates that a video taken from the middle of the section yelling “nay” is going to make the nays sound louder than the yays? And that the number of people and not the volume is what matters for a voice vote anyway? And that this particular voice vote was pretty unquestionably won

Thanks for saying that, I really appreciate it. Best of luck to you as well!!

Don’t know why you’d think that.

That’s appreciated. One starts to feel a bit cursed when one seems to be the common link between so many people with such awful experiences.

Yep, multiple people within the last year. Also have a friend who witnessed his father murder his siblings and was also attacked but survived.

Yeah, I meant her friends and family and her daughters’ friends and family. Multiple people I know have gone through their spouses murdering their children, and it is awful for all involved, including the perpetrator’s friends and loved ones who are often as shocked and horrified as anyone else.