
My heart goes out to her and her daughters’ friends and family. What an awful, awful situation.

Here’s a list of courses Molly Matott took to get her degree in meteorology (from her LinkedIn profile):

Better someone indebted to the DNC than someone indebted to the NRA like Bernie is.

Really? His involvement is what makes me think it’s pretty legit.

Yeah, no kidding. If I had enough talent to use my endless string of semi-serious relationships for inspiration to write wildly popular songs, I’d be doing that.

Yes, I’m sure Hillary’s terribleness is why the vast majority of people who have actually worked with her respect her and why only one senator endorsed Bernie.

I agree that candidates can’t be held responsible for isolated incidents involving their supporters. I don’t agree that when there is an obvious pattern of conduct, such as the huge volume of death threats and gendered slurs used against Roberta Lange after the convention, a candidate has no responsibility to address

I’m not sure what you think respectability politics are, but I’m not seeing their relevance to this conversation.

I agree. That’s why you won’t find me ever saying that Sanders’ supporters are “just sexist.” Nor have I seen much of anyone saying that.

Yeeeah, I can come across as condescending online, I think. It’s quite literally my job to politely and calmly argue with people without getting upset or resorting to personal attacks, so I can’t really turn it off.

Read his statement following the Nevada convention. Then read the snopes about the Nevada convention, which explains what actually happened.

Death threats and gendered slurs may not be physical violence but they’re certainly violence, and there was a pattern of them coming from Bernie’s supporters.

We’re discussing his dishonesty in justifying his supporters hurling gendered slurs, not Bernie himself doing it.

I will gladly accept that offer.

Again, if there’s a pattern of Hillary supporters throwing gendered slurs and death threats at party officials, then she should absolutely condemn that as well. I’m not aware of any such pattern.

There is no appropriate time for hurling gendered slurs at women.

If that’s the standard, it must mean you don’t feel too badly about everyone who’s died in Afghanistan and otherwise in the so-called war on terror since Bernie voted for the AUMF that authorized those actions.

You have no insight into how I feel about Clinton’s support for the Iraq war, so not sure how you think you’re in a position to judge my emotions about it as compared to my emotions about the narratives surrounding Sanders’ campaign.

First, I never said Bernie supporters are misogynists. I said some are, just as I’m sure some Hillary supporters are antisemitic.

Everyone has talked at length about the Iraq war. If the top comment here had been about the Iraq war instead of how the “narrative” around Bernie has changed, we’d be talking about that.