
No, the police absolutely cannot stop and ID you anytime they want, they need to have reasonable suspicion that you have committed or are committing or just committed a crime. Stop and ID statutes fall under Terry v. Ohio.

Wow, interesting to read the appellate smackdown of the trial court who only gave Celestin six months:

Yep! How do we not see giving broad discretion and allowing for individualized determinations as opening the door for rampant racial bias, class bias, and misogyny? Judges aren’t immune from bias.

Sheer perfection. Thank you for your truth.

I get what you mean. I guess I’m not sure it’s productive to couch that lesson in terms of “you can take it seriously even if people say you’re being oversensitive because he might be a rapist!” instead of “you can take it seriously because no one is entitled to violate your boundaries and you don’t have to tolerate

I think my problem is that, while some rapists do have red flags, many don’t to such an extent that anyone realistically would be like “hey that dude’s probably a rapist.” And mining someone’s history after you find out they’re a rapist to try to find any minor red flags showing that this was foreseeable seems to be

This causes feelings of both “that doesn’t surprise me” and “goddamnit, can’t we for once just leave it at ‘yes, this guy seemed perfectly fine and then it turned out he was a rapist,’” because every time we hear about how everyone else knew he was creepy and gross it reaffirms many people’s notions that the men they

The bill actually does provide a process for challenging the determination in court.

It was indeed. A friendly reminder that, though we wish it wasn’t true, hate and fear are usually more powerful motivators than love and justice.

Given that Black and Latino people make up more than 76% of all POC in the US, his problems with those demographics statistically mean he has problems with POC if they’re all lumped in together. If you’re losing 76% of a demographic by a lot, you’ve got a problem with that demographic. I agree that it’s better not to

Has anyone claimed he has a support network that’s “just white people”? You can have some support with POC and still have a serious problem appealing to Black and Latino voters. Even in states where he did relatively well with Black voters he lost them by around 30-40 points. His struggles to attract Black voters

Yeah, hashtags are way better “evidence” than actual votes and polling.

Yep! And I think the impeachment process may well have been illegal. But I don’t want a leader who would jump to that conclusion and cut off humanitarian aid without taking the time to analyze it and get all the information, so I think she handled it well.

You’re welcome to opposing views. There’s a good chance the impeachment process was illegal. But if you’re really think it’s a bad thing for a leader to wait to try to figure that out before intervening in a country’s interpretation of its own laws and cutting off humanitarian aid, then we have very different values.

But, but Bernie didn’t come out in support of gay marriage until 2009, so...

Yeah, I’m sure Honduras would be far more stable now if we’d cut off humanitarian aid, told Honduras’s congress, supreme court, and military that they are all wrong about their interpretation of their own constitution, told them that our own people in the international law section of the Library of Congress are also

It is mostly the failure to call it a military coup, which she didn’t do because it wasn’t at all clear at the time that it was a military coup and because labeling it a military coup would require the US shutting off humanitarian aid to Honduras.

According to polling at the time, the majority of Honduran citizens who had an opinion either way believed that Zelaya’s removal from office was justified given his disregard for the Supreme Court’s orders and the Honduran constitution.

He or she certainly doesn’t seem to understand that it’s hard to substantively critique someone’s participation in a drone program that the candidate running against them has said he’d continue.

Anyone who actually understands the constitutional crisis in Honduras knows it’s not a basis for a substantive critique of Clinton. We want elected leaders who listen to international law experts’ analyses of foreign countries’ laws and constitutions instead of jumping to conclusions.