
I just have a really, really hard time getting worked up about a media company being held liable for posting revenge porn. Thiel’s backing didn’t change the merits of the suit, and he wasn’t obligated to bring the NIED claim in the first place, so I don’t know, just feels like Gawker made its bed.

I find this very perplexing, too. Maybe it’s just because I have lawyer brain that I can’t turn off, but Gawker committed an absolutely horrifying violation of privacy that they would’ve been equally liable for if Hogan had sued without Thiel’s involvement.

I didn’t realize until I got to the comments that you were not being serious, because yeah, of course every woman should have as many abortions as she wants and feel free to raise the kid as a proud single mom or instead drop the kid of at an Indiana fire station. That’s 100% correct.

No, it’s what someone who understands victim blaming through having studied trauma extensively would say.

No. Are you asking because I used the word gross instead of one of its synonyms?

Right? “I won’t get to go to the olympics or get a degree from stanford, two opportunities to which I was never entitled and which I likely would’ve been deprived of without raping anyone at all had I not been born white and wealthy.”

This. Turner, learn the definition of “solely,” because I imagine the whole part where you raped someone had something to do with those job losses.

You can acknowledge it’s rape and a crime and still engage in harmful victim-blaming rhetoric like yours.

Okay, rest assured that I explained it already and it made sense.


There are several ways in which this is gross, but implying that people who make mistakes or even people that are naive or unintelligent are at all to blame for their own rape or deserve to be raped is probably the worst part.

Wow, and then you double down on being a horrendously shitty person. Bravo.

You said “where do we draw the line.” I explained where we draw the line. Do you not know what materiality and intent are?

This case involved an act for which the line has already been drawn statutorily by state and federal law, so there is no doubt that it’s colloquially rape. Where the line is drawn colloquially for acts not involved in this story is irrelevant.

Statutes define it. Under the code of military justice it specifically delineates “making a fraudulent representation that the sexual act serves a professional purpose.” California has something similar. It is rape if the victim: “Was not aware, knowing, perceiving, or cognizant of the essential characteristics of the

You’re also gross. Christ people, learn human decency.

You’re gross.

Rape is a crime, so whether or not it constitutes rape depends on the law. Under the Uniform Code of Military Justice this would be sexual assault, and in more than ten states it would be rape. I’m not sure about Washington State.

Am I the only one who’s kinda perplexed that couples aren’t expected to pay for bridesmaid dresses/tux rentals and required shoes? Like, if you’re picking out my dress, shouldn’t you pay for it? Because I’m getting you two gifts (one for wedding one for shower), paying for part of your shower, paying to travel to your

You accuse me of cherry picking and then link to a quora post as a cite for Sierra Blanca? I’ve read the entire congressional record and about twenty articles from the time, along with the Institute for Social Ecology report, but thanks. Read Wellstone’s floor comments and get back to me. Bernie knew he was engaging