
She is more liberal than Bill Clinton was, and he gave us RBG and Breyer. She is also more liberal than Obama,

Sure. Like many Bernie supporters I know who wish Biden had run, I can support someone who has supported the Iraq War and the Patriot Act because I realize that based on the information that was known at the time and in historical context, those were extraordinarily difficult decisions. Hindsight is 20/20, and yes, I

I absolutely know that, but it comes down to two choices, and I also have very little doubt that more RBGs, Breyers, Kagans, and Sotomayors are better than more Scalias, Alitos, Thomases, Kennedies, and Robertses.

If you don’t think a number of your rights as a woman of color could evaporate with a more conservative Supreme Court (which is a much more likely outcome with Trump as president)...uh.

A lot of Bernie supporters have told me they would’ve supported Biden over Hillary, and he’s a more conservative version of Hillary, so...

Right? Like I’ve never heard anyone say this anywhere. I’ve heard people say you should vote for Hillary if YOU’RE a woman because Donald Trump has zero respect for women and our bodies. But not BECAUSE she’s a woman.

I started out as a Bernie supporter and now I’m crying happy tears because I am so damn excited that Hillary is our nominee.

I kinda hope they are. But I kinda hope they aren’t.

This. Except technically he was no longer a private person once he was indicted. Trials and criminal proceedings are matters of public concern.

Ah, yeah, just dodge the point and pretend I made an argument I didn’t make to cover your lack of a substantive response. Cool, cool.

He was convicted of a crime that is encompassed by the federal definition of rape, regardless of what term California uses in its criminal statutes. So given his convictions it’s accurate to call him a rapist.

Yeah, Sanders spent campaign donations on a trip he claimed wasn’t campaign-related and brought his whole extended family. The difference is that there’s a good chance he’s in violation of election laws because you’re only allowed to use campaign donations on family’s travel expenses if they’re in the process of

No, it’s not. It was his choice to go, and it was his choice to make it a campaign event necessitating all the staff and reporters and whatnot. And it was his choice to maintain his schedule such that he had to spend more than $600,000 on a chartered commercial airliner. I’m not criticizing those choices, but saying

Agree completely, but also, is it just me or does that picture make it look like she’s levitating? She seems to be hovering like six inches above the red carpet.

And Bernie spent 50 times that on a private jet to go to the Vatican and give a speech about income inequality. Your point?

No, it’s not possible. Even if this started as two drunk people fooling around, she was unconscious and he was penetrating her when the Swedes on bikes came upon them. It is not possible that he thought she was “into it” while she was unconscious. Even if conduct is consensual when it starts, if a person loses

Just for your peace of mind, the Leslie Rasmussen in this band went to high school with Brock Turner and was in the same grade, so unless there are multiple Leslie Rasmussen’s at the same high school she’s the correct one. Also they took down their social media pages pretty quickly if it’s the wrong one.

Kinja is freaking out on me so this might be a reply to the wrong comment, but this is what I’m responding to:

You said Hillary did “the same thing” in 2008. She didn’t, she was much, much closer to Obama in terms of delegates. Now that you know that, you no longer have to be under the misapprehension that the two scenarios are equivalent.

Yes, but since you seemed to be confused about the degree of equivalency between ‘08 and ‘16, I can only assume factual clarification was helpful.