You guys, its just art.
You guys, its just art.
You can get suspended from ESPN for losing it on a tow truckering person? Jesus, sometime I go apeshit on people who are customer facing just to get my point across and make them rejustificate an injustice. I suppose the big difference is that I don’t say “Do you know who I am?”
Oh jesus christ! The Giants wouldn't sign Bonds. They don't need a left fielder.
Far be it from me, a 260 lb 34 year old American with allergy issues that cause regular bloody noses, to criticize a beautiful young girl in a bikini — but does she have completely translucent skin?
Maybe I'm misreading these pictures — but these girls all look ....... rural.
Meh. Not my type.
These days, most flight attendants look more like the Golden Girls than the Sucker Punch Girls....except on Virgin. Those girls look like James Bond spy girls.
Everyone looks so happy!
"It was once thought that Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain, but we can finally say it was probably heroin, depression, and a massive dose of shot-in-the-head. Because that's what it was like in Seattle back then: gray and suicidey"
Is this the same chick that harassed her dad for being drunk and eating a cheeseburger?
I don't buy the whole a pro athlete is less likely to be gay argument. I think that's a position put forward by professional sports executives over the last 50 years just to dodge the question all together. Even with a Number @ close to 2%, that's one player per active roster (on average) int he NFL, 1 player per 5…
I stand corrected. I was going off a number I heard in college. But the great oracle just told me 1.7%~3%.
Dear NFL GM's — 10% of any population is gay. Whether or not you believe it, it is likely that 10% of NFL players in history have been gay.
There are no words to describe the newfound level of terror I have for flying now
Or Tonya
-This is a seat
-so don't piss all over it
-if you want something to drink, go elsewhere
-we'd appreciate it if you didn't roost atop it as it is plastic and will break
-your keys are gone, the pole won't help. In fact, its bound to complicate matters
-and don't play with your goddam toy zeppelin in here. Its a seat, man