
“Where can I get some of that? Asking for a friend.”

Given all the hunger and suffering in today’s world, this is nothing short of terroirism.

That’s a really great question, and one that is “above my pay grade” so to speak. I can only speak to my limited experience, but I believe that you can’t deny services to people who need them, just because other people abuse those services.

I don’t know.

I hope somebody is there to remind the burglars of the mess they left when they went away.

Five For Fighting just got a bigger ovation than 3 Doors Down did playing an inauguration.

This is so unnecessary. Yeah, Boogie was injured, Buddy Hield.

Well, now, hold on. Did he go to school in the south? They teach you it’s okay to touch cousins like that.

It seems like once every 200 years this kind of play happens, such as back in 1976 when North Dakota State lost a game when a ball bounced off a player’s shoe and went into their own basket.

Eat all the dicks, please.

Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.

How did they get Chris Carter on the cheap? The truth is out there...

Travis Kelce does elaborate dances after touchdowns, makes jerking off motions toward refs on the field, gets a stupid unsportsmanlike conduct penalty after dropping an important pass in a playoff game, and has his own reality show in which women compete for the chance to date him. Yet somehow he doesn’t get half the

“You think that’s bad—you should see my videos of the things they say at practice”

That illustration is a work of art. I’d love to buy a print and video tape my wife peeing on it.

So let me get this straight: The post in question wasn’t written by Kukla, but rather, someone from Kukla’s Clan?

+1 chid’s mom

I think Curt Schilling should be in the hall, too—the hall of great big buttheads!

is that what you say to your wife after shoplifting them under your neck