
Also worth noting is the likelihood that the “no meat” thing in Lent was a practical response to a necessity. In Europe in the Early Middle Ages, mid-February is when you started running low on all the preserved (salted, smoked, dried, etc.) meat that you’d put away for the winter. Putting in some restrictions on its

Guess that means we should chuck all of Gospel Music into the trash bin, then?

Also keep in mind whether or not you actually need a house. Single, no kids? Why would you need all that space? Get a co-op or condo.

Seems like most of these can be grouped into two major categories:

One other benefit of landline?

I would suggest that the perception is also partly caused by the lack of ready venues for seeing contemporary adult animated films. You either need to follow the “film festival” circuit, or know which channels to watch on YouTube. The only stuff that makes it into the mainstream movie theaters is the kid-friendly

I am of the opinion that Andrew Johnson is overrated as a “bad” president. He was never elected to the office; taking over only after the death of Abraham Lincoln. He wasn’t good, but I can’t really include him among the worst. And I really don’t think anyone would have been “great” during that time. He should be

They really DO want to win the “Race to the Bottom”, don’t they. Medical professionals will leave the state, rather than face the chance of a career-ending lawsuit. And they won’t be able to pay people enough to move there.

Nice to see Roman Holiday on here.

If you know your publishing history.....

Kimball “The Lensman” Kinninson enters the chat:

And as always, say “Thank you” and leave a tip.

Turn on your headlights so other drivers can see you.

Piracy is and has always been a crime. 

They want people to watch the show? I might tune in to see the Best Stunt nominee highlights....

I’ll settle for hearing “And the nominees for Outstanding Achievement in the Field of Stunt Work are.....”

You know, there are so many important and influential Black Americans that deserve recognition - Elizabeth “Mum Bet” Freeman, Robert Smalls, and Lincoln Perry, to name three - that instead of giving each one a holiday, we should just set aside an entire month to honor their collective legacy.....

Other things to worry about (in the longer term):