
I wouldn’t have noticed the “questionable” parts if someone hadn’t pointed them out.....

Another recycled list that forgets there was TV before the 1990s.....

I still vividly remember the episode where Jay’s son - a student at the United Nations school - was in charge of building a float for the school’s parade. It was supposed to be a man on horseback, but because all his classmates left after they ate the pizza Jay provided, he was only able to complete the back half....


I agree. That is one of the saddest movies I’ve ever seen.

That goes for 95% of the stuff on Deviant Art.

I consider the original to be a “coming of age” story. You’ve got a trio of lead characters; none of whom behave like an adult. They show no respect for authority and are unable to form more than a cursory relationship with women. It isn’t until they *literally* destroy a symbol of childhood innocence (the Sta-Puft

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A special citation to the opening shot in “Star Wars” (1977):

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Karen Gillian stars in the short film “Eureka”:

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Can you really have KAOS without C.O.N.T.R.O.L.?

It should probably also be noted that most people don’t take care of their hearing, so it’s likely that they can’t tell the difference anyway.

If memory serves, Asteroids was the first arcade game that let you add your initials to the high score table.

I’ve had lavender lattes before - they can be quite good.

It is fascinating to realize that all the many varieties of tea (at least those that deserve the name) all use the leaves from the same plant: Camilla sinensis. The variations come from regional varieties, type of leaves, processing and aging....

I have a variant of this for road trips. Most license plates contain three letters, so....

ChatGPT has just contacted COLOSSUS and Guardian.....

One can easily set a movie in the MCU without having to connect it to everything else in the MCU. We’ve seen MCU movies in New York City and San Francisco - what’s going on in the *rest* of the country? Or world? As far as I recall, no Avenger has ever “Avenged” in Chicago. How about a movie set there? People will

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